Orange High School
400 Lincoln Avenue, Orange NJ 07050
- Orange High School
Gandepudi, Samson - Mathematics
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* Identifying a comfortable and quiet space to study/learn
* Logging in to Google Classroom before 2:20pm each day, and attending all the Google Meets when they are scheduled
*Being respectful during online class time, and completing the Exit Slip each day before logging off
* Checking Google Classroom and Remind for updates on assignments, news, etc. Check every day!
* Notifying me (Mr. Gandepudi) using Remind if for some reason the websites or your home internet access is not working
* Engaging in the virtual platforms with academic honesty, integrity, and according to the district’s Acceptable Use Policy
* Submitting all assignments on time. Exit slips should be completed DURING class time and homework is due by the end of the school day on the day it is due, unless I grant a specific extension.
*It is very easy with distance learning to fall behind on the assignments and very important to stay on top of your work! Please contact me on Remind if you find you are falling behind, we will set up a schedule to help get you back on track.
* Monitoring OHS updates sent via phone blasts, Remind, Google Classroom, district website, etc.
* Checking in with your child daily about the tasks, activities, and assessments that they are working on
* Encouraging students to communicate with me during my Office Hours from each day.
* Designating a place and time where your child will work independently on his/her assigned tasks
* Asking your child to provide a brief summary of the learning he/she is engaging in for each class to ensure their understanding of the content
*Asking your child about their deadlines and supporting them, as needed, in submitting assignments in accordance with the established deadlines
* Reminding your child to contact me, via Remind or email, if they have any questions.
Note: If you are having technical difficulty accessing the assignments, please contact your schools’ Technology Coordinator Mrs. Budhu for support at
If I update anything on this page, I will let you know via the remind app. Make sure you are signed up for remind first
Google Classroom Login Information
Posted by Samson Gandepudi on 9/3/2020Google Classroom Codes
CIAO Geometry Period-10[1030/2] Classroom Code: dyjr34m
CIAO Geometry Period-11[1030/3] Classroom Code: eggf6jm
CIAO GeometryPeriod-12[1030/4] Classroom Code: vtsjxuj
Login Information for
Posted by Samson Gandepudi on 9/3/20201. CIAO Geometry Period-10: 2923ae
2. CIAO Geometry Period-11: 662k6k9
3. CIAO Geometry Period-12: 833hac