
    Welcome to Biology & Environmental Science 2023-2024

    Instructor Huff

    Room 247


    Instructors: Ms. Keel-Huff 

    Next Parent-Teacher Conference: November TBA




    Class Code and Resource Links. (This link is updated throughout the course)





    2023-2024 School Year

    (5 Credits)   



    Course Descriptions:

    Biology is the study of life. It includes an introduction to the scientific method, cytology, genetics, botany, zoology, ecology, taxonomy, evolution, chemistry, and microbiology. Course work, lab work, and examinations will prepare students for future science courses. This course meets every other day for 90 minutes. Students will receive 1 full credit towards graduation.

    This course is designed to prepare students for The NJSS Science Exam for High School students, to be taken in grade 11.


    The goal of our Biology Course is to provide students with the biological principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the diversity of life and the interrelationships between organisms and their environment. Students develop an understanding and knowledge of the unit of life – the cell – whose structures and processes are shared by all living organisms and, in so doing, gain an insight into the uniqueness, function, and role of organisms, including themselves. In addition, they gain insight into how humans use and manipulate other living organisms to generate products that enhance human health and the environment. Finally, students will be able to make informed decisions about biological issues.


    Students will be engaged in hands-on laboratory and outdoor activities. We will apply the principles of the scientific method as well as engineering processes to explore and create solutions to local and global issues. Students will discuss  current events related to the course material and generate meaningful discussions and opinions based on their new found knowledge.


    Our students will use technology to research and present their work and discoveries throughout the course. We aim to engage each student in activities which will build their awareness of science as well as foster creativity and collaboration with teachers and peers.


    Digital Portfolio Requirements

    All portfolios must have the following documents uploaded by the end of the school year:

    • Digital Laboratory Notebook
    • Digital portfolio
    • 3 Book Responses
    • 2 Research Papers
    • Science Fair Project
    • 2 Oral Presentations with slides
    • Video Presentation


    Grading Scale

    A+       97.0     100.0                          
    A          90.0     96.99                          
    B+       87.0     89.99                          
    B          80.0     86.99                          
    C+       77.0     79.99                          
    C         70.0     76.99                                      
    D+       67.0     69.99                                      
    D         65.0     66.99                                      

     F         50.0     65.0




    • Homework assignments are due at the end of each week or on the designated due date.
    • Late assignments are subject to be penalized.


    Behavioral Expectations

    Mutual Respect

    • Both teacher and student must refer to each other professionally.
    • No profanity will be tolerated in conversations with peers or teachers.
    • No tolerance for violence or inappropriate physical contact.
    • Students will raise their hand to speak.
    • Students must sign in and out of the room with teacher’s permission.
    • Students must have a Pass to leave the classroom.
    • Students will not be allowed a pass to leave the classroom before dismissal if caught using their cell phone during class.
    • Passes must be utilized at any time students leave the classroom. It is not permissible for students to leave the classroom without permission. Not adhering to this rule will result in higher disciplinary action.
    • Classes will be dismissed at the teacher’s discretion after the sounding of the bell.


    Attendance & Lateness Policy:

    Students must arrive on time. Late students must have a pass from another teacher or faculty member. Any student who arrives to class late, without a pass will receive a demerit. After 2 demerits, the student will receive a phone call home. After 3 demerits, the student will receive a phone call home and detention.



    Any unexcused absence may result in a phone call home.

    Students are required to make-up any missed assignments during their absence.



    Students should arrive with 2 writing utensils and a notebook each day. Only black or blue ink is permitted is using a pen. Devices must be charged and ready to go. 



    Cell Phones And Electronic Devices:

    • Students is not permitted to text/talk on the phone during instruction.



    • Communication between home and school is important in helping students succeed and there are ways to maintain that connection.
    • Contact: Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us. The best way to communicate with us, aside from in-person, is through e-mail. We can also be contacted via telephone during our preparatory periods or after school. You may leave a message with the main office as well and we will return your call as soon as possible.


    Student Supplies

    • 1” Binder
    • 2 reams of college ruled paper
    • Pens/ Pencils (blue or black ink)
    • highlighters
    • 5 binder dividers
    • chromebook , laptop, or desktop




    AP Environmental


    About the AP Environmental Science Course

    Complete Course Outline: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/media/pdf/ap-environmental-science-course-at-a-glance.pdf

    The AP Environmental Science course is designed to engage students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships within the natural world. The course requires that students identify and analyze natural and human-made environmental problems, evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. Environmental science is interdisciplinary, embracing topics from geology, biology, environmental studies, environmental science, chemistry, and geography. College Course Equivalent The AP Environmental Science course is designed to be the equivalent of a one-semester, introductory college course in environmental science.



    Students should have completed two years of high school laboratory science—one year of life science and one year of physical science (e.g., a year of biology and a year of chemistry). Due to the quantitative analysis required in the course, students should also have taken at least one year of algebra. Also desirable (but not necessary) is a course in earth science.  V.1 |

    Lab Requirement

    Although there are no specific AP Environmental Science labs or field investigations required for the course, it is required that students have the opportunity to spend a minimum of 25% of instructional time engaged in hands-on, inquiry-based laboratory and/or fieldwork investigations. 


    1. Invasive species Project 
    2. Plant Irrigation Project
    3. Ecosystem Project
    4. Orange NJ Local Species Investigation
    5. Weather & Climate Mapping
    6. Global Climate 7 Geographical Change Mapping
    In addition to general grading scheme student must pass the AP EXam at a score of 3 or higher to receive college credit.
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