Lincoln Avenue School
216 Lincoln Ave, Orange, NJ 07050
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Welcome to Lincoln Avenue School
Mr. Patrick Yearwood, Principal
yearwopa@orange.k12.nj.usDr. Christina Tighe, Assistant Principal
tighechr@orange.k12.nj.usMrs. April Stokes, Assistant Principal
stokesap@orange.k12.nj.usMr. Noel Cruz, Dean of Students
cruznoel@orange.k12.nj.usHIB Specialist: Mr. Maurice Hall, School Counselor - 973-677-4000 ext. 15810 -
Mrs. Marie Bruno-Mayel, School Social Worker - 973-677-4000 ext. 15714 -
School Hours for Students
8:30 AM - Arrival/Breakfast for Students8:30 AM - 3:00 PM Full Days8:30 AM - 12:30 PM Half DaysStudent Instruction begins promptly at 8:30 am.216 Lincoln Avenue, Orange NJ 07050
Tel: (973) 677 - 4130 Fax: (973) 414 -9611"Providing a safe environment to educate the mind, motivate the body, cultivate the spirit, and teach with the heart."
School News and Information
WIDA Access for ELLs
Each year, students in English learner programs take the ACCESS for ELLs language proficiency test. The test measures academic English language proficiency for students learning English in our district schools and throughout the state. Click on the title and read the letter.
A message from Dr. Fitzhugh about the Norovirus
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers, This is an important message from the Superintendent of Schools regarding Norovirus.
Lincoln Avenue School - Title I School Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Lincoln Avenue School is a Title I school. As such, Title I, Part A regulations require that each school served under Title I, Part A jointly develop with and distribute to parents of participating children, a written involvement policy agreed on by the parents that describes the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) section 1116. Click on the title link for more information.
Comcast - Low Cost Internet Access
Parents - If you need internet access at home, you can apply for low cost internet access via Comcast. To get started you need to go the their website and click on "Apply".
Mango and Genesis Parent Portal Training
Lincoln Avenue School will host an in-person Tech Workshop on December 3, 2024, at 5:00 PM. Come out and learn how to access Mango a language-learning app that teaches you many different languages of your choice. You will also learn how to access the parent portal where you can access your child's schedules and more. Please see the attached flyers in English, Spanish, and Creole. Click on the title above to register for the workshop.
Orange Public Schools - Parent University
The Orange Public Schools seeks to educate and empower families as advocates and lifelong learners committed to improving the overall health and well-being of children and our community. Our free and reduced-price workshops offer parents a range of experiences across various topics. Courses will be accessible to parents via this online registration system. We invite parents, families, and the Orange Community interested in attending courses/workshops to apply here. All applications will be reviewed upon submission with quick feedback on acceptance status.
NJDOE - School Self-Assessment for Determining Grades under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act
School Name: Lincoln Avenue Elementary School District Name: ORANGE BOARD OF EDUCATION School District School Year: July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
Lincoln Avenue School - School Professional Development Plan PDP SY 24-25
The Lincoln Avenue School Professional Development Plan PDP consists of Professional Learning Goals, Professional Learning Activities, and Essential Questions.
Lincoln Avenue School Online Store
Please buy your Lincoln Avenue School items at:
Weekly Update from the Superintendent of Schools
As stated in the 2024-2045 back-to-school letter to families, the Superintendent's Weekly Update will continue this school year to keep our staff and families informed about everything happening in Orange Public Schools.
Lincoln Avenue School - Title I - Parent Meeting SY 2024-2025
Click on the title for information on the Lincoln Avenue School - Title I Parent meeting.
Orange Public Schools Strategic Plan 2021-2026 Orange Public Schools Strategic Plan 2021-2026
No strategic plan can emcompass every aspect of the education process or every tactic needed to achieve important goals such as reducing inequities or mobilizing community support for our students and schools. Click on the title above to read to plan.
The Orange Township District Mobile App
The Superintendent's Weekly Update continues district-wide for 2022-2023. This update will give the school community a sense of the district's direction in content pedagogy and practice, wellness, and programming. Please take a moment to read the update accordingly.
Common Sense Media for Parents
Common Sense Media For Parents Common Sense is a leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families to thrive in the 21st century.
Additional School Information
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)