• Welcome Banner

    Dear Parents and Students,

    Welcome to Mrs. Miranda's Teacher Page. This page was created to provide students and parents with access to assignments, links, assessments, and practice resources. Additional information and daily updates can be found on the district’s COVID-19 Resource Page found at https://www.orange.k12.nj.us/domain/3058.

    I will be available daily to answer any questions you may have. My virtual Office Hours are as follows:




    For questions or clarifications, you can reach me via Classdojo or email.

     Click here to send me an email ---> mirandcl@orange.k12.nj.us 


     You will find my Google Classroom code below. There will be an assignment for each day. Each assignment has a due date. Please note, parents will be contacted if students are not completing assignments. 

    Google Classroom Code

    Ms. Miranda's Homeroom: rvdcdvf 

    Ms. Bligen's Homeroom: oqid4tw 

    Ms. Sikdar's Homeroom: ie6mvg7 




    Student responsibilities include:

    Arrive to school ready : mindset, materials, and assignments

    Dedicate appropriate time to learning and doing classwork

    Conduct oneself in a respectful and disciplined manner.

    Routinely check appropriate Google Classrooms and emails for information on courses, assignments, and resources, on a daily basis

    Attend and participate in all classes

    Engage with academic honesty, integrity, and according to the district’s Acceptable Use Policy

    Submit all assignments in accordance with provided timelines and/or due dates