Lincoln Avenue School
216 Lincoln Ave, Orange, NJ 07050
- Lincoln Avenue School
- Welcome
Kang, Sarah- 5th - 7th ELA Resource Teacher
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Ms. Sarah Kang
Resource 5-7 ELA
Orange Pulic Schools
Kangsara@orange.k12.nj.usDear parents and students,
We've made it to the end of the school year! Please take this summer to relax and learn a new hobby! You can still access Reading Plus over the summer which is highly encouraged. Make sure to visit your local Orange public library and take this summer to enjoy reading novels of your interest!!For 5th-7th grade ELA/Resource assignments, please follow the individual classroom links that are provided in the "assignments" tab to the left.Please feel free to contact me by email or phone: / 862-248-6871.