• Bonjour à Tous!


    Welcome to the 2024 / 2025 school year.

    Let's work together for another successful year.

    Ms. Anne Juré

    Teacher of French

    World Language Department

    Dear parents/ guardians,


    My name is Anne Jure, a native French speaker! I am delighted to be able to teach your child French this year!

    Bienvenue! Welcome to another exciting year at Orange High School!


    As this year starts, I am looking forward to providing another year of challenging coursework for the students in our world Language department.


    Our curriculum provides the challenging coursework that I believe you expect for your child in order to help them learn as much as possible in their foreign language studies. This curriculum is designed to follow the ACTFL’s guidelines and benchmarks as well as the New Jersey World Languages Curriculum Framework while meeting the national standards for foreign language learning.


    In order to be successful in this class, students should follow the guidelines provided. These are steps students can take to ensure their success.


    I also invite you to attend “Back to school night," a great opportunity for us to meet and discover what is offered in our adventure.


    Again, I am looking forward to spending the year with your child, working hard, and learning French while discovering the Francophone culture!



    Anne Juré

    Email:  jureanne@orange.k12.nj.us

    Class Codes

    Google Classroom                            Remind
    Period 1 nyaajxq                             @g89abd6  
    Period 2 nrepsy3                             @e83694g 
    Period 3  qoancku                           @3cg3bd
    Period 5 ulyyesk                             @426ba3
    Period 8 u7a6viy                            @fk33dc
    Period 9 t277elv                             @3ak8gg9       


    OHS Daily Schedule 












Last Modified on September 6, 2024