


    2023-2024 School Year

    Mr. Sastim

    Teacher of Mathematics


    Email: sastimha@orange.k12.nj.us   





    I am expecting the followings from students EVERY SINGLE DAY :

    • Attendance: You should be ON TIME and your Do Now submission will count as Daily Attendance. (more than 10 mins late = absent, your parents will get a phone call from Mr. Sastim)
    • Document your daily work: Use a notebook to take your notes. Also, make a folder (on your computer) and collect all the work(Lesson note, assignment, quiz and test) you've done. 
    • Classwork and Homework: You need to TURN IN your completed classwork and homework to Google Classroom. 
    • ALEKS - Spend at least 20min and learn 2-3 topics a day. If you get a knowledge check test, take it. 
    • You must upload DO NOW and  EXIT TICKET EVERYDAY.



    Student responsibilities include:

    • Identifying a comfortable and quiet space to study/learn
    • Dedicating appropriate time to learning, as guided by your teachers
    • Routinely checking appropriate Google Classrooms and emails for information on courses, assignments, and resources, on a daily basis
    • Attending and participating in any check-in times offered by your teachers
    • Engaging on the virtual platforms with academic honesty, integrity, and according to the district’s Acceptable Use Policy
    • Submitting all assignments in accordance with provided timelines and/or due dates


    Support your child in their learning process by:

    • Monitoring OPS updates sent via phone blasts, Seesaw, Remind, Google Classroom, district website, etc.
    • Checking in with your child daily about the At Home/Virtual Learning tasks, activities, and assessments that they are working on
    • Encouraging adherence and attendance in the At-Home/Virtual Learning check-in times offered by each of your children’s teachers
    • Designating a place and time where your child will work independently on his/her assigned tasks
    • Asking your child to provide a brief summary of the learning he/she is engaging in for each class to ensure their understanding of the content
    • Asking your child about their deadlines and supporting them, as needed, in submitting assignments in accordance with the established deadlines
    • Helping your child manage logs to document progress on assignments and lessons
    • Reminding your child to contact/email his/her teachers if they have any questions


    Note: If you are having technical difficulty accessing the assignments, please contact your schools’ Technology Coordinator, Mrs. Mitchell for support at MitcheOm@orange.k12.nj.us