Orange High School
400 Lincoln Avenue, Orange NJ 07050
- Orange High School
- United States History I
Jackson, Jean - History
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United States History I
Instructor: Jean Jackson
Phone 973 677-4050 Ext:41222
Cell 973-666-7760
United States History II is an intense study beginning with the birth of the Americas and culminating with events of today. This Social Studies course is designed to
foster an appreciation of the contributions made to the growth and development of the United States. In the process, students will reinforce the positive values of self, family and community while guiding them toward becoming productive citizens.
Course Goals and Learning Objectives
Students will be able to:
1) Distinguish various theories and concepts defining US historical forces
2) Identify political, economic and social issues within various American & global
3) Critically evaluate stated goals versus implied interests motivating US policy
4) Analyze ethical dilemmas in US history
5) Demonstrate the capacity to express ideas clearly, coherently, and grammatically
In oral and written forms
6) Demonstrate a mastery of a broad body of historical knowledge
7) Differentiate between various schools of historical thought and interpretation
8) Interpret and draw conclusions from various pieces of historical data including original documents, cartoons, graphs, etc.
9) Use historical evidence to defend and support basic arguments and positions
10) Demonstrate an effective use of analytical skills of evaluation, cause-and-effect relationships, and compare and contrast
11) Work effectively in groups to produce products, make presentations, and solve problems
Please note the discussion on Academic Integrity in the Catalog. Students will receive a "0" on the assignment if found in violation. Plagiarism will result in an F grade for the semester.
Cheating, in any form, will not be tolerated. Students found cheating on exams or assignments will receive a "0" for the project.
Textbooks, notebooks, pens, and colored pencils are required daily. In addition, students will need to purchase folders and other reasonably priced materials upon request or an electronic device may be used during instruction.
Attendance in this class is extremely important. United States History II is a required course necessary to achieve a high school diploma. Students attend class every other day in this full year's course. Students who complete more than nine absences will not receive credit towards graduation. It is each student's responsibility to complete all missed assignments.
Student Responsibilities:
Regular attendance is mandatory for the successful completion of this class: each absence will be recorded as a grade of zero; chronic absenteeism (two will influence your final grade).
Students should enter class and begin to deactivate cell phones.
Phones are instruments disruptive to classroom culture.
All assignments must be turned in on time; late assignments are subject to penalty.
Only in extreme circumstances will a make-up test be allowed; students should expect a different exam.
You are responsible for all the behavior you do. There are no excuses.
Appropriate in-class behaviors include:
Be polite to your classmates and teachers (including substitute teachers). If you are unsure of politeness, please don't hesitate to ask before you make a behavior.
You should be able to participate by asking and answering questions. During work time, you should be working quietly.
Know and follow the procedures for this class.
Be prepared for every class; bring all the materials with you.
Please go to the bathroom before getting to class. Organization is the key to success.
Read, listen, discuss, take quizzes and tests, do seatwork, and homework, work cooperatively with others on projects, do research, and apply the things you have learned for the rest of your life.
You, as an individual student, are responsible for all work to be turned in, including getting notes and assignments from days you are absent.
Learn how to listen and take notes. It will be very helpful!
Have a positive attitude about the course and your ability to do well.
Attitudes and Communication Points
My approach to my classes is to create an atmosphere in which all students can learn about both themselves and other people. To this end, I have several "beliefs," which are explained below, regarding work, attitude and communication.
I treat my students as adults until something gets out of hand, then I come down on people's behavior, not them personally.
Whatever grade you end up getting, you will have earned it, whether it is an "A" or an "F." I do not give grades; you earn them.
When items of a personal or private nature are discussed in class, they should stay within the context of the group discussing it = confidentiality.
No put-downs are allowed in class. If I am guilty, call me on it!
The entire class is responsible for the class climate.
If I am explaining something, and you have a question, please wait two minutes before asking. You will find I will answer it in that time. If not, ask away.
Be open to new ideas ~ challenge yourself.
Let quality be your policy.
Grades are based on attendance, class participation, and performance by group and individual assignments using a Genesis scale for grading and the district policy for scoring assignments.
"Success usually comes from those who are too busy to be looking for it" - Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)