
    Transition Activities/Strategies lead towards a life of independence.  Below are a few examples that students, parents and staff may consider when developing the transitional plan.




    Responsible Agency/Person





    Meet with student support services from college campuses



    Explore enrollment in Tech-Prep program with support services



    Explore enrollment in Co-op Education course



    Explore admission requirements for possible part-time enrollment at Vo-Tech school



    Participation in extra curricular activities



    Enroll in SAT prep course



    Participate in community based work experience



    Submit applications for post high school education



    Learn about community agencies providing support to people with disabilities



    Obtain, complete and submit applications to colleges/technical schools



    Obtain complete, and submit financial aid applications



    Participate in independent living skills project/course









    Related Services



    Learn about potential post-school providers for students with disabilities



    Obtain information on public transportation programs for people with disabilities












    Community Experience



    Explore participation in community social/recreation events



    Explore community shopping, banking, clothing, apartments









    Participate in Job Shadowing/volunteer experiences



    Participate in career awareness program



    Meet with counselor from DVR



    Enroll in youth apprenticeship program



    Apply for summer youth employment program



    Write a plan for achieving self-support for funding of a job coach or starting a business









    Post  School Adult  Living



    Enroll in Driver's education class



    Learn about money management



    Open a bank account



    Register to vote



    Learn about consumer skills/rights and responsibilities



    Join local community recreation center









    Daily Living Skills



    Register with the NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities



    Develop a contact list of agencies that provide residential supports in this county









    Functional Vocational Evaluation



    Participate in community-based vocational assessment program



    Develop a vocational profile based on functional information



    Job sampling in the community



    Collect functional information regarding the student's vocational interest










Last Modified on September 8, 2020