• Fibers Syllabus

    Teacher:  Mrs. Guerriero

    E-mail: Amelimeg@orange.k12.nj.us

    Course Description: 

    Fiber Arts, is a semester long course that is offered as an arts elective. The course explores Fiber art traditions throughout time and from around the world; focusing on the elements or art and the principles of design that are applied to these traditional forms Students will learn to work with fibers in a variety of techniques and functions including: yarns for tapestry and functional weaving, reeds for developing woven and coiled baskets, beads for weaving Surface Design, modeling, 3-D Design, jewelry making, and designing decorative fabrics and papers for creating their own book making.


    Behavior Guidelines for class:

    1. Always be respectful of all people, materials and artwork in the art room at all times.
    2. Come to class prepared, on time and manage your time well in class.
    3. Be attentive and participate in class discussions and projects.
    4. If absent it is the student’s responsibility to get and complete the missed work from another student or teacher
    5. It is the student’s responsibility (including when absent) to check for HW, materials required, assignments and final exam information.
    6. Teacher needs to be advised of any computer or printer issues at home by a parent if an assignment cannot be completed on time.
    7. All school rules are in effect in the art room.      

    Disciplinary action:

    If a conflict arises the disciplinary action in my art room will be as follows:


    1. Verbal Warning – I will ask you to stop the behavior that is distracting and/or inappropriate.
    2.  Teacher Detention – We will meet and talk about ways to improve behavior (during lunch or after school).
    3. Parent Contact/ROM – I will email or call your parent to discuss your behavior and/or you will be sent to discuss your behavior with the administration.



    1. Two pocket folder.             2.  Writing utensil.



    20% Folder check and homework, 50 % projects, 20 % quizzes/test, 10 % class participation and behavior.

    No late HW accepted.  Projects that are late will lose 10 points per day late. 


    Class Procedures and Behavior Guidelines

    Fiber/ Ceramic Studio


    Please sign contract and return



     Name__________________________________________   Class/Period_________________________



    Class Procedures


    1. Be in class on time. Studio time is valuable as art projects usually cannot leave class until completed.
    2. Quiet and appropriate conversation is allowed at each table. Excessive or disruptive conversation will result in seat reassignment.  Lunch detention/ROM may be issued.
    3. Upon entering class it is student’s responsibility to look at the board/monitor for the day’s directions and start working promptly.
    4. IPODS are an earned privilege and only allowed with one ear bud in.  This privilege will be removed upon teacher discretion.    
    5. Listen to all directions when given; ask questions at the appropriate time. 
    6. Students are expected to handle all tools and materials in respectful and appropriate manner.
    7. Students are expected to work in a cooperative manner in a studio environment. Sharing materials, clean-up and set-up of materials is required and part of your grade.
    8. Do not touch any art work other than your own without permission.   
    9. No food, drink or cell phones in the Art room.  A water bottle kept in backpack is allowed.
    10. It is the students responsibility (including when absent) to get and complete the missed work from another student or teacher
    11. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher for HW, materials required, assignments and final exam information.
    12. Teacher needs to be advised of any computer or printer issues at home by a parent if an assignment cannot be completed on time.


    Behavior Guidelines

    1. I understand that I am responsible for my own actions and behaviors in this class. I understand all of the class’ behavioral guidelines, and what will happen if I do not adhere to them.

          2. I will not partake in destructive behavior, which includes writing on, or intentionally damaging any of the artwork, materials, desks or chairs in the art room.

    1. I will not partake in wasteful behavior, which includes using more materials than necessary for my work, or not recycling materials when able.

          4 I understand that I am responsible for properly using, cleaning, and putting away all materials and tools I use. If I do not know how to use, clean or put away a material or tool, I will ask       for help. If I abuse/misuse any materials and/or tools, I will not be allowed to use them again and will be graded accordingly.

    Date: _________


     Student Signature: __________________________________________________________


    Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________________


  • Ceramics Syllabus

    Teacher:  Mrs. Guerriero

    E-mail: Amelimeg@orange.k12.nj.us

    Course Description: 

    Students will develop creative and technical skills in ceramics by producing a variety of finished pieces in clay. Students will acquire knowledge of clay materials, studio practices and artists styles. Fine motor skills, critical thinking and individual creative expression will increase through involvement in experimentation of Ceramic techniques develop their ability to understand aesthetics through the use of ceramic materials. Students will explore a variety of options with increased awareness of personal vision, historical significance and technical expertise and continued growth in handbuilding skills. Students have an introduction to wheel thrown forms and explore the ability to develop wheel throwing.

    Behavior Guidelines for class:

    1. Always be respectful of all people, materials and artwork in the art room at all times.
    2. Come to class prepared, on time and manage your time well in class.
    3. Be attentive and participate in class discussions and projects.
    4. If absent it is the student’s responsibility to get and complete the missed work from another student or teacher
    5. It is the student’s responsibility (including when absent) to check for HW, materials required, assignments and final exam information.
    6. Teacher needs to be advised of any computer or printer issues at home by a parent if an assignment cannot be completed on time.
    7. All school rules are in effect in the art room.       

    Disciplinary action:

    If a conflict arises the disciplinary action in my art room will be as follows:

    1. Verbal Warning – I will ask you to stop the behavior that is distracting and/or inappropriate.
    2.  Teacher Detention – We will meet and talk about ways to improve behavior (during lunch or after school).
    3. Parent Contact/ROM – I will email or call your parent to discuss your behavior and/or you will be sent to discuss your behavior with the administration.


    1. Two pocket folder.             2.  Writing utensil. 


    20% Folder check and homework, 50 % projects, 20 % quizzes/test, 10 % class participation and behavior.

    No late HW accepted.  Projects that are late will lose 10 points per day late. 


    Class Procedures and Behavior Guidelines

    Fiber/ Ceramic Studio


    Please sign contract and return


     Name__________________________________________   Class/Period_________________________



    Class Procedures


    1. Be in class on time. Studio time is valuable as art projects usually cannot leave class until completed.
    2. Quiet and appropriate conversation is allowed at each table. Excessive or disruptive conversation will result in seat reassignment.  Lunch detention/ROM may be issued.
    3. Upon entering class it is student’s responsibility to look at the board/monitor for the day’s directions and start working promptly.
    4. IPODS are an earned privilege and only allowed with one ear bud in.  This privilege will be removed upon teacher discretion.    
    5. Listen to all directions when given; ask questions at the appropriate time. 
    6. Students are expected to handle all tools and materials in respectful and appropriate manner.
    7. Students are expected to work in a cooperative manner in a studio environment. Sharing materials, clean-up and set-up of materials is required and part of your grade.
    8. Do not touch any art work other than your own without permission.   
    9. No food, drink or cell phones in the Art room.  A water bottle kept in backpack is allowed.
    10. It is the students responsibility (including when absent) to get and complete the missed work from another student or teacher
    11. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher for HW, materials required, assignments and final exam information.
    12. Teacher needs to be advised of any computer or printer issues at home by a parent if an assignment cannot be completed on time.


    Behavior Guidelines 

    1. I understand that I am responsible for my own actions and behaviors in this class. I understand all of the class’ behavioral guidelines, and what will happen if I do not adhere to them.
    1. I will not partake in destructive behavior, which includes writing on, or intentionally damaging any of the artwork, materials, desks or chairs in the art room.
    1. I will not partake in wasteful behavior, which includes using more materials than necessary for my work, or not recycling materials when able.
    1. I understand that I am responsible for properly using, cleaning, and putting away all materials and tools I use. If I do not know how to use, clean or put away a material or tool, I will ask for help. If I abuse/misuse any materials and/or tools, I will not be allowed to use them again and will be graded accordingly.

    Date: _________

      Student Signature: __________________________________________________________


    Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________________



Last Modified on June 22, 2023