• Summer Learning Institute

    Cyber Camp 2018

     Image result for technology clipart

    The Cyber Camp Learning Institute experience afforded district technology coaches and lead teachers to provide learning opportunities for students that embrace digital age learning projects.  Students engaged and explored a variety of web-based technology tools to support their project development and technology skill growth.  Technology staff were provided the time and flexibility to engage in areas of technology interest.  This opportunity allowed them to expand their knowledge base, thus fostering new learning experiences for our students.

     Students selected from a variety of offerings to enhance their technology learning palette.  They demonstrated their new learning by participating in a culminating Tech Fair, where they explained and presented their projects to the community at large.



    Cyber Camp Brochure



    Cyber Camp Instructor Application Sample

    Click to Download 


    Cyber Camp Lessons 



    Cyber Camp Video- Grades 5-6

    Let's Travel the World Video

    Created and submitted by T. Phipps

     Cyber Camp Grades 7-8

     Computer Hardware

    Click to Access Student How to Videos

    Created by Orange School District Students

    and submitted by E. Jean

    Cyber Camp District Video

     Cyber Camp Photo Gallery