• United States Honors History 1

    Overview and procedures

     Ms. Shaw

    Room 124


    Contact Information

    Telephone @ 347-432-1544

    E-Mail @ shawdane@orange.k12.nj.us

    Classroom Snap Chat: Bighomieshaw16



    Welcome to another school year at Orange High School. The following is an overview of this course, which will provide you with an idea of what will be required to successfully pass this course. Please take this home and read it thoroughly with your parents or guardian. Please return the film permission slip signed and dated if here are no objections.


     Course Curriculum link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YXa_wymqA2misO43UUJSEm2T156-wO-Q/view 




    Throughout the course of this semester, we will be studying the history of the United States, beginning with Colonization and Settlement and ending at Civil War and Reconstruction. This course will address significant events that have occurred throughout this period. Also, this course will point out what effects these events have had in the past and present. This course is designed to help you become an informed active participant in our society and help you understand how and why we have arrived at our current status. Students will be expected to read assigned readings and to participate in class activities, projects and discussions. This course is required for high school graduation, so it is important to put forth your best efforts every day!


    Course Textbook and required supplies for class:

    United States History and Geography (for in-class use)

    Online Edition of United States History and Geography available for home use (link available on teacher's school home page and Google classroom)

    You must have a Notebook for class or a section in a binder. 



    There are a few things I expect from you as students, besides following All of the school rules within the Student Code of Conduct, students are to abide by the following rules of the classroom…

    1.      Be on time! Be in your seat and ready to work when the tardy bell sounds.

    2.      Bring all materials every day; no excuses!!!!! Students are required to bring the following materials everyday: (1) Binder or Notebook (designated for this class) (2) pen and pencil (3) color pencils and highlighter are recommended but note required.

    3.      Do not talk without permission! Make sure you raise your hand to obtain permission and wait for acknowledgment to speak in class. Also be sure not to talk while I am instructing, an announcement is made over the intercom, or when someone has the “floor”.


    Cell Phone Policy:

    Class time is reserved for learning, cell phones interfere with instruction. At times teacher will allow the use of cell phones as a learning instrument, other than those times, the use of cell phones in this class is not permitted. Please note that there is absolutely no charging of cell phones in this classroom.


    Consequences of Violation Cell Phone Policy:

    1.      Verbal warning to put cell phone away

    2.      Student cell phone is confiscated until the end of class

    3.      Student cell phone is confiscated until a parent retrieves the cell phone (Phone Call Home)

    4.      Referral to administrator


    Behavior Consequences:

    If infractions of classroom rules occur, the following consequences may be administered, depending on the severity of the action.

    1.      Verbal warning

    2.      Conference with student

    3.      Removal from class (parent will be notified)

    4.      Assigned after school detention (parent will be notified)

    5.      Parent Conference

    6.      Referral



    Please be advised of the following procedures and grading policies within this course….

    1.      Keep the classroom clean. Pick up and throw away trash around your desk area.

    2.      I will provide 1 copy of handouts and assignments. Additional copies may be obtained for a re-copy fee of 10 cents per page (paper fee, save the trees!)

    3.      Assignments will not be accepted late or without the proper heading… no credit and no excuses!!!!


         The heading should be on the upper right-hand side and on anything turned in for Example:




     Name (Your Name)

    Class/ Block (U.S History 1 period 1

    Instructor (Ms. Shaw)


     4.      Plagiarism is not tolerated under circumstances (from the internet or copying work from another student) this will result in a zero, not a redo!

     5.      It is your responsibility to get make-up work if you have an excused absence (lockout is not an excused absence). Students only have five school days to complete make-up work. Make-up test will be given after school for up to one week (5 school days).

     6.      Tutoring, extra help, or make-up (recovery) will be available on a weekly basis. At the start of each week, I will post the days I will be available after school. If help is needed on a day other that the days, I am available, please bring it to my attention and we will come up with alternative arrangements.


    Grading Scale and Break Down of Assignments

    A           90-100

    Class work 20%

    B           80-89

    Homework 10%

    C           70-79

    Quizzes 20%

    D           65-69

    Test 25%

    F            65 and below

    Authentic Assessments 25%



    Students will be informed of homework weekly on the board. Announced and unannounced quizzes will occur throughout the year to check for completion and comprehension. It is in your best interest to keep up with all assigned readings and review your notes daily; it will directly affect your chances of success in this course. The most important aspect of this class is to be present and give your best efforts every day in class. I am here to get you college ready, so many of the procedural things I do in our classroom you will see again in college!




    Please sign here confirming that you have reviewed and understand the requirements and expectations of this course


    Student Name (please print) __________________________________________


    Student Signature__________________________________________________


    Parent or Guardian (please print) ______________________________________


    Parent or Guardian Signature ________________________________________















    Film permission Form:

    History has been profoundly affected by certain events throughout time. Many films have been made recently the helps to depict these events visually and give us a more in-depth and informative perspective that our textbook provides. However, some of these films and video clips contain graphic violence and objectionable language. No student will be required to view the videos and an alternative assignment will be given for anyone who wishes not to take part (without penalty).  By signing and dating the following form you will be allowing your student to view these videos. If you have any questions any questions about any of the videos, please feel free to call me and discuss any issues you may have. I can be reached at the following number: (347) 432-1544. I will be happy to explain the reasoning behind any movie clip.



    ---------------Cut here and return his portion for a homework grade---------------


    Student Name (please print) __________________________________________


    Student Signature__________________________________________________


    Parent or Guardian (please print) ______________________________________


    Parent or Guardian Signature ________________________________________







    United States Honors History 2

    Overview and procedures

     Ms. Shaw

    Room 124


    Contact Information

    Telephone 347-432-1544

    E-Mail @ shawdane@orange.k12.nj.us

    Classroom Snap Chat: Bighomieshaw16



    Welcome to another school year at Orange High School. The following is an overview of this course, which will provide you with an idea of what will be required to successfully pass this course. Please take this home and read it thoroughly with your parents or guardian. Please return the film permission slip signed and dated if here are no objections.


    Course Curriculum Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HPP9FY47zp_LsvltIJIdPYbFuHcIjv_9/view 



    Throughout the course of this semester, we will be studying the history of the United States beginning with the Reconstruction/Industrialization Era to Present Day. This course will address significant events that have occurred throughout this period. Also, this course will point out what effects these events have had in the past and present. This course is designed to help you become an informed active participant in our society and help you understand how and why we have arrived at our current status. Students will be expected to read assigned readings and to participate in class activities, projects and discussions. This course is required for high school graduation, so it is important to put forth your best efforts every day!


    Course Textbook and required supplies for class:

    United States History and Geography (for in class use)

    Online Edition of United States History and Geography available for home use (link available on teacher school home page and Google classroom)

    You must have a Notebook for class or a section in a binder. 



    There are a few things I expect from you as students, besides following All of the school rules within the Student Code of Conduct, students are to abide by the following rules of the classroom…

    1. Be on time! Be in your seat and ready to work when the tardy bell sounds.
    2. Bring all materials every day; no excuses!!!!! Students are required to bring the following materials everyday: (1) Binder or Notebook (designated for this class) (2) pen and pencil (3) color pencils and highlighter are recommended but note required.
    3. Do not talk without permission! Make sure you raise your hand to obtain permission and wait for acknowledgment to speak in class. Also be sure not to talk while I am instructing, an announcement is made over the intercom, or when someone has the “floor”.


    Cell Phone Policy:

    Class time is reserved for learning, cell phones interfere with instruction. At times teacher will allow the use of cell phones as a learning instrument, other than those times, the use of cell phones in this class is not permitted. Please note that there is absolutely no charging of cell phones in this classroom.


    Consequences of Violation Cell Phone Policy:

    1. Verbal warning to put cell phone away
    2. Student cell phone is confiscated until the end of class
    3. Student cell phone is confiscated until a parent retrieves the cell phone (Phone Call Home)
    4. Referral to administrator


    Behavior Consequences:

    If infractions of classroom rules occur, the following consequences may be administered, depending on the severity of the action.

    1. Verbal warning
    2. Conference with student
    3. Removal from class (parent will be notified)
    4. Assigned after school detention (parent will be notified)
    5. Parent Conference
    6. Referral



    Please be advised of the following procedures and grading policies within this course….

    1. Keep the classroom clean. Pick up and throw away trash around your desk area.
    2. I will provide copy of handouts and assignments. Additional copies may be obtained for a re-copy fee of 10 cents per page (paper fee, save the trees!)
    3. Assignments will not be accepted late or without the proper heading… no credit and no excuses!!!!


    The heading should be on the upper right-hand side and on anything turned in for Example:



    Name (Your Name)

    Class/ Block (U.S History 1 Block 2)

    Instructor (Ms. Shaw)


            4. Plagiarism is not tolerated under circumstances (from the internet or copying work from another student) this will result in a zero, not a redo!

            5. It is your responsibility to get make-up work if you have an excused absence (lockout is not an excused absence). Students only have five school days to complete make-up work. Make-up test will be given after school for up to one week (5 school days).

            6. Tutoring, extra help, or make-up (recovery) will be available on a weekly basis. At the start of each week, I will post the days I will be available after school. If help is needed on a day other that the days, I am available, please bring it to my attention and we will come up with alternative arrangements.


    Grading Scale and Break Down of Assignments

    A           90-100

    Class work 20%

    B           80-89

    Homework 10%

    C           70-79

    Quizzes 20%

    D           65-69

    Test 25%

    F            65 and below

    Authentic Assessments 25%



    Students will be informed of homework weekly on the board. Announced and unannounced quizzes will occur throughout the year to check for completion and comprehension. It is in your best interest to keep up with all assigned readings and review your notes daily; it will directly affect your chances of success in this course. The most important aspect of this class is to be present and give your best efforts every day in class. I am here to get you college ready, so many of the procedural things I do in our classroom you will see again in college!



    Please sign here confirming that you have reviewed and understand the requirements and expectations of this course


    Student Name (please print) __________________________________________


    Student Signature__________________________________________________


    Parent or Guardian (please print) ______________________________________


    Parent or Guardian Signature ________________________________________











    Film permission Form:

    History has been profoundly affected by certain events throughout time. Many films have been made recently the helps to depict these events visually and give us a more in-depth and informative perspective that our textbook provides. However, some of these films and video clips contain graphic violence and objectionable language. No student will be required to view the videos and an alternative assignment will be given for anyone who wishes not to take part (without penalty).  By signing and dating the following form you will be allowing your student to view these videos. If you have any questions any questions about any of the videos, please feel free to call me and discuss any issues you may have. I can be reached at the following number: (347) 432-1544. I will be happy to explain the reasoning behind any movie clip.



    ---------------Cut here and return his portion for a homework grade---------------


    Student Name (please print) __________________________________________


    Student Signature__________________________________________________


    Parent or Guardian (please print) ______________________________________


    Parent or Guardian Signature ________________________________________









    African American Studies

    Overview and procedures


    Ms. Shaw

    Room 124


    Contact Information

    Telephone @ 347-432-1544

    E-Mail @ shawdane@orange.k12.nj.us

    Classroom Snap Chat: Bighomieshaw16



    Welcome to another school year at Orange High School. The following is an overview of this course, which will provide you with an idea of what will be required to successfully pass this course. Please take this home and read it thoroughly with your parents or guardian. Please return the film permission slip signed and dated if here are no objections.


    Course Curriculum:



    Throughout the course of this semester we will be studying the history of black Americans beginning with ancient Africa and continuing through African American social, political, and cultural life in the United States today. This course will address significant events that have occurred throughout the plight of African Americans and point out what effects these events had on United States History. This course is designed to help you become an informed active participant in our society and help you understand how and why African Americans have arrived at their current status. Students will be expected to read assigned readings and to participate in class activities, projects and discussions. This course is an elective, it is your responsibility if you need this elective credit to graduate or not, so it is important to put forth your best efforts everyday!


    Course Textbook:

    African American History Holt African American History: Lisbeth Gant-Britton 9780030969546 (for in class use)

    You must have a notebook for class or a section in a binder



    There are a few things I expect from you as students, besides following All of the school rules within the Student Code of Conduct, students are to abide by the following rules of the classroom…

    1.      Be on time! Be in your seat and ready to work when the tardy bell sounds.

    2.      Bring all materials everyday; no excuses!!!!! Students are required to bring the following materials everyday: (1) Binder or Notebook (designated for this class) (2) pen and pencil (3) color pencils and highlighter are recommended, but note required.

    3.      Do not talk without permission! Make sure you raise your hand to obtain permission and wait for acknowledgment to speak in class. Also be sure not to talk while I am instructing, an announcement is made over the intercom, or when someone has the “floor”.


    Cell Phone Policy:

    Class time is reserved for learning, cell phones interferes with instruction. At times teacher will allow the use of cell phones as a learning instrument, other than those times, the use of cell phones in this class is not permitted. Please note that there is absolutely no charging of cell phones in this classroom.


    Consequences of Violation Cell Phone Policy:

    1.      Verbal warning to put cell phone away

    2.      Student cell phone is confiscated until the end of class

    3.      Student cell phone is confiscated until a parent retrieves the cell phone (Phone Call Home)

    4.      Referral to administrator


    Behavior Consequences:

    If infractions of classroom rules occur, the following consequences may be administered, depending on the severity of the action.

    1.      Verbal warning

    2.      Conference with student

    3.      Removal from class (parent will be notified)

    4.      Assigned after school detention (parent will be notified)

    5.      Parent Conference

    6.      Referral



    Please be advised of the following procedures and grading policies within this course….

    1.      Keep the classroom clean. Pick up and throw away trash around your desk area.

    2.      I will provide 1 copy of handouts and assignments. Additional copies may be obtained for a re-copy fee of 10 cents per page (paper fee, save the trees!)

    3.      Assignments will not be accepted late or without the proper heading… no credit and no excuses!!!!

    The heading should be on the upper right hand side and on anything turned in for Example:



    Name (Your Name)

    Class/ Block (African American Studies Block 2)

    Instructor (Ms. Shaw)


     4. Plagiarism is not tolarted under circumstances (from the internet or copying work from another student) this will result in a zero, not a redo!


    5.  It is your responsibility to get make-up work if you have an excused absence (lockout is not an excused absence). Students only have five school days to complete make-up work. Make-up test will be given after school for up to one week (5 school days).

    6.  Tutoring, extra help, or make-up (recovery) will be available on a weekly basis. At the start of each week I will post the days I will be available after school. If help is needed on a day other that the days I am available, please bring it to my attention and we ill come up with alternative arrangements.


    Grading Scale and Break Down of Assignments

    A           90-100

    Class work 20%

    B           80-89

    Home work 10%

    C           70-79

    Quizzes 20%

    D           65-69

    Test 25%

    F            65 and below

    Authentic Assessments 25%



    Students will be informed of homework weekly on the board. Announced and unannounced quizzes will occur throughout the year to check for completion and comprehension. It is in your best interest to keep up with all assigned readings and review your notes daily; it will directly affect your chances of success in this course.The most important aspect of this class is to be present and give your best efforts everyday in class. I am here to get you college ready, so many of the procedural things I do in our classroom you will see again in college!




    Please sign here confirming that you have reviewed and understand the requirements and expectations of this course


    Student Name (please print)__________________________________________


    Student Signature__________________________________________________


    Parent or Guardian (please print)______________________________________


    Parent or Guardian Signature ________________________________________






    Film permission Form:

    History has been profoundly affected by certain events throughout time. Many films have been made recently the helps to depict theses events visually and give us a more in-depth and informative perspective that our textbook provides. However, some of these films and video clips contain graphic violence and objectionable language. No student will be required to view the videos and an alternative assignment will be given for anyone who wishes not to take part (without penalty).  By signing and dating the following form you will be allowing your student to view these videos. If you have any questions any questions about any of the particular videos, please feel free to call me and discuss any issues you may have. I can be reached at the following number: (973) 677-4050 ext 5088. I will be happy to explain the reasoning behind any movie clip.



    ---------------Cut here and return his portion for a homework grade---------------


    Student Name (please print)__________________________________________


    Student Signature__________________________________________________


    Parent or Guardian (please print)______________________________________


    Parent or Guardian Signature ________________________________________