• Mr. Lemke's Class 





    I teach

    Honors Global Studies,

    AP U.S. History, & 

    AP World History-Modern. 

    The best way to reach me is via email: lemkejoe@orange.k12.nj.us. 


    All Students Read the Following Before Attending the First Day of School.


    Google Classroom Code                      






    Please see Google Classroom for all assignments.

    All assignments MUST be completed on time.

    All students MUST arrive for class on time.

    All assignments will follow the same scoring guidelines as seen on my syllabus.

    All students are expected to arrive at our classroom on time, answer the Do Now question, engage in class discussion/answer questions, and complete all homework assignments on time.




    Additional Links for Students: 

    Google Classroom




    Should you have any questions about assignments, you can contact me via email:

    Email:  lemkejoe@orange.k12.nj.us


    Student responsibilities in completing the assignments include:

    • Identifying a comfortable and quiet space to study/learn
    • Dedicating appropriate time to learning, as guided by your teachers
    • Routinely checking appropriate Google Classrooms and emails for information on courses,
      assignments, and resources, on a daily basis
    • Attending and participating in any check-in times offered by your teachers
    • Engaging on virtual platforms with academic honesty, integrity, and according to the district’s Acceptable Use Policy
    • Submitting all assignments in accordance with provided timelines and/or due dates