
    Hola a todos!

    Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
    Welcome to my Webpage for Spanish I and Spanish II
     If you need to contact me, you can do it at any time. My email is vargasni@orange.k12.nj.us and my telephone number is 862-571-8720. Please, if you need to call me, please do it before 8:00 pm.
     class             google code-                      link                                                                                     Remind

     Spanish I Pd 10 -          33fpdej   https://classroom.google.com/c/NjMzNDY2MjQ4MjUw?cjc=33fpdej                @fef8e6k       

    Spanish II Pd 11 -      4aban73        https://classroom.google.com/c/NjMzNDY1NTQ2OTAy?cjc=4aban73          @bhb8f6