

    Welcome Back!

    Looking forward to a wonderful 2024-2025 school year!!  

    On this page you will find the codes for Remind & Google Classroom, as well as syllabus for the course.

    Culinary Arts Class:

    Remind Code : @798ak7d

    Google Classroom Code: 7logmau

    Orange High School

    Principal: Mr. Jason Belton

    Culinary Arts Syllabus

    Instructor: Mrs. Nazi Badruddin                                  Email:badrudna@orange.k12.nj.us   

    Course Description:

         The courses Diet & Nutrition, Basic Foods and Foodservice Prep are prerequisites for this course. Culinary Arts is a full year course. The course is designed for students who are interested in pursuing a culinary profession. The course focuses on basic culinary skills.


    Course Objectives:

    • Students will demonstrate food and kitchen safety and sanitation during food preparation.
    • Students will demonstrate understanding of cooking techniques and its effect on food.
    • Students will be able to prepare a variety of sauces, entrées, and basic baked products.


    Monthly Outline:


    • Providing Safe Food
    • Cooking Techniques
    • Knife Skills


    • Cooking Techniques
    • Seasoning & flavorings: enhancing foods with herbs and spices
    • Knife Skills


    • Breakfast cookery: preparation of breakfast foods
    • Holiday meals
    • Knife Skills


    • Garde Manger Basics: preparation of salads, salad dressings, cold platters
    • Sandwiches and appetizers preparation
    • Stocks, sauces, and soups preparation


    • Fish and shellfish preparation
    • Poultry preparation


    • Meat cookery
    • Pasta and grains


    • Fruits and vegetables
    • Legumes cookery


    • Baking Techniques
    • Yeast bread dough and production

    May & June

    • Quick breads
    • Specialty desserts
    • Meal preparation and dining service


    Required supplies:


    Note: Parents/Guardians & administrators will have the right to look at the students’ assignments in Google Classroom.


    Textbook:   Johnson & Wales University, ‘Culinary Essentials’ by My Glencoe & McGraw Hill publishers.

    Participation: Students are expected to come to class each day prepared with Chromebook. It is also expected that all students will participate in all class discussions, class projects, food lab, group work and activities. Any student who comes to class unprepared or is not focused on the task at hand will not receive participation credit for that day.

    Assignments: Each week reading assignments will be given from the textbook. Writing assignments will be given to summarize the major ideas and themes of the week’s readings. Students are expected to maintain their folders with all completed assignments in it. Folders will remain in the class and students are not allowed to take it home.

    Work Make-Up Policy: In case of an excused absence, the student must make up the missed assignment within three days and submit it to place it in their folder to get full credit. It is the student's responsibility to get the missing assignment and complete it. All weekly assignments will be posted on my web page.

    Tests: Students will be given a test at the end of each section. They will also take an exam at the end of the semester. The final will consist of both written and food lab components.

    Extra Credit: Students may earn extra credit by bringing in additional research or any food/nutrition related current event from a reputable source. Students can earn up to 10% for the semester.

    Grades: Grades will be given based on completion and performance on all assignments, food lab, class participation and tests as well.

    Assignments, classwork: 20%

    Food Lab (Authentic Assessment): 25%

    Exams/Tests:  30%

    Class Participation in discussions, teamwork:  15%

    Homework: 10%


    Explanation of Academic Grades

    A (Exceeds the Standard) 100- 90

    B (Meets the Standard) 89-80

    C (Marginally Meets the Standard) 79-70

    D (Below Standard) 69-65

    F (Unsatisfactory Performance 64 and below)

    District guidelines indicate 72% and below mandate a parent-teacher conference.




    1. No Cell Phone use in class! No earbuds! Electronic devices must stay out of sight in a bag or pocket. Any student caught using an electronic device will receive a warning to put it away for the remainder of the class. Failure to do so will result in the confiscation of the device till the end of the school day. If something is confiscated, it is the responsibility of the student to retrieve it at the end of the school day. If a device is confiscated more than twice or the student is warned to put it away more than three times, it will start at step three of the general sequence of consequences listed below.
    2. Any derogatory or foul language is unacceptable in my class. Failure to comply will follow the general sequence of consequences.
    3. All school rules apply in class as well. Click  Student Handbook

    General Sequence of Consequences: In general, this is the pattern of steps that will be taken for some behavior or activity that is distracting to the educational process.

    1. The first time something becomes a problem, the student will be given a warning to stop.
    2. The second time it becomes an issue, the student will be pulled aside to talk with the teacher.
    3. The third time, a call will be made to the parent or guardian.
    4. The fourth time, the student will receive a referral to the office and a parent-teacher conference will be arranged.


    Requirements to Receive Credit:

    • Be present in class daily
    • Participate in class activities
    • Complete all assignments


    Note to Parents/Guardians:

    It is the student's responsibility to come to class and perform the activities that are outlined for them. As a parent/guardian/teacher, we can only encourage them to do the task diligently and provide them with an environment that nurtures learning. Please stay in touch via email, phone, or school visit to make our students realize that both parent and teacher are connected, and they share the common goal that the student succeeds.


    Have a successful 2024-2025 school year!   



    Quick Links:

    Textbook: On Cooking (students are provided with access codes)

    Textbook Culinary Essentials



    Quick Links

    Textbook: On Cooking

    Textbook Culinary Essentials




Last Modified on September 8, 2024