• Orange High School

    Physical Education Department

    Course: P.E. I, II, III, IV

    Meeting Place: Gymnasium, Room 128/129

    Instructors: Mr. Horton, Ms. Heitzenroeder, Mr. Habib, Mr. Sommer, Mr. Breitman, Mr. Infeld


    Contact Information:          

    Mr. Anthony Frantantoni, Supervisor of Health & Physical Education, 8-12

    (973) 677-4000



    Course Description:

             This course provides opportunities for the study of skills, strategies, and developmentally appropriate activities for team and individual sports, and fitness and wellness concepts. I expect all students to participate and put forth their best effort and anything short of these expectations will lower your grade.


    Course Outcomes:

                This class follows NJ CCCS for Health & Physical Education and the Orange High School Guidelines/Standards as performance-based outcomes.


    Grading System: Students are expected to dress properly, participate, & show effort. Students will be graded on a 5 point rubric, which is displayed on the walls of the gymnasium.


    Grading Policy: Grades for each marking period are based on the following areas: Preparation, Participation, Tests/Quizzes & Homework. There will be written assignments for this course. Homework will be given once a week.


    Make Up Policy: Students are expected to participate in every class. However, students that are in danger of failing will have an opportunity to make up class participation through written assignments. It will be the student’s responsibility to get written assignments from their instructor. All make up assignments must be completed & turned in prior to the end of the marking period. No Exceptions.


    Attendance: There are 45 classes per cycle; attendance is mandatory. Excused absences must be reported to the teacher and the attendance office. Unexcused absences will count as an unprepared until proper documentation is presented to the teacher and attendance office. Students with extended absences will be required to complete make-up work to receive credit. Students with 15 unexcused absences will receive no credit for the course, regardless of grade.


    Late: Students are expected to be on time to class every day. Students that arrive to class after the bell must have a pass. Students that are habitually late will be reported to an administrator.


    Dress Code: Sneakers, shorts, sweat-pants, & tee-shirts are preferred. School uniforms, excluding skirts, are acceptable for participation only with proper footwear. ABSOLUTLY NO boots, flip-flops, jewelry, pajama pants, shoes, Capri’s, jeans, and shirts such as tank-tops, or tee-shirts with inappropriate writing or lack of coverage.


    Participation: All students are expected to participate in class, and give their best effort at all times. Participation is a major factor in grading, and students that do not participate or only give minimal effort will not receive full credit.


    Unprepared: A student is considered Unprepared when they do not adhere to the above stated dress code. Students that are not prepared for class will not participate in any activity & will receive a 0 rubric score for the class.