• Orange High School

    Course Outline/Syllabus

    High School French I

    Class Hours: Every day: 40 minutes – CREDIT: 5.0- Full Year  


    Instructor:  Mme Anne Juré                                              Planning Period: September 2023-June 2024

    Email: jureannel@orange.k12.nj.us                                  Classroom : 115B

    Phone #: 973 677-4050  ext. 50850                                 Principal: Mr. Jason Belton



    Parents are encouraged to contact me regarding any questions or concerns regarding their children in my class. You can reach me at my email address or you can leave a message at 973 677-4050 ext 5085. I will do my best to return emails and/or phone calls within 48 hours.




    The French I course is designed to reflect the philosophy and goals found in both the national standards, Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century (ACTFL,2012) and the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for World Languages (2020). The main objective of the French program is to enable the student to attain a measurable degree of communicative competency and proficiency in each of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.  Through an essentially inductive approach, students will gain an understanding of how the language is structured and how they can use this knowledge to express their own needs and talk about the world around them. Grammar and vocabulary are logically sequenced and grouped to make their acquisition as natural as possible. The teaching of Hispanic culture is an integral part of the program, in which authentic and contemporary topics are presented.

    Course Description

    In the world language program of Orange Public Schools, thematic units and respective themed objectives are interwoven with the standards of ACTFL as indicated under Novice Mid to Novice High level, or Higher, common core standards for Language Arts-as well as those of College and Career Readiness anchor standards to arrive at a rigorous and student centered 21st century driven curriculum.

    Program Goals:


    • Developing functional proficiency in a world language.
    • Strengthening literacy skills in students’ home language and the language under study.
    • Promoting respect for and appreciation of differences in cultural practices, products, and perspectives.
    • Providing professional development opportunities for teachers of world languages.
    • Emphasizing the goals of the national standards for learning world languages.


    NJCCCS: 7.1 World Languages All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas, while also gaining an understanding of the perspectives of other cultures. Through language study, they will make connections with other content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own, and participate in home and global communities.

    Thematic Units

    The thematic units will allow teachers and students to explore the enduring understandings and essential questions posed for each unit and become proficient in the levels indicated. The progression of the thematic units shall be at the discretion of the world language teacher as each language carries its own grammatical challenges and focus areas at different times in the process of acquiring different levels of proficiency.  

    The thematic units for World Language Level 1 are as follows:

    Unié Préliminaire/ Preliminary Unit

    1. Salut/Greetings

    2. Au Lycée/At the High School

    3. La famille et les copains/Family and Friends

    4. Au café/At the café/At the Sidewalk Café

    5. Les loisirs/Pastimes or leisure

     Course Goals:

    ∙ Developing functional proficiency in the French language.

    ∙ Strengthening literacy skills in students' home language and the language under study.

     ∙ Offering a range of world language courses to meet the diversified needs of county students.

    ∙ Promoting respect for and appreciation of differences in cultural practices, products, and perspectives.

    ∙ Providing professional development opportunities for teachers of world languages.

    ∙ Emphasizing the goals of the national standards for learning world languages.

    The Five (5) C’s

    This course will address the five C’s: Communication, Culture, Community, Comparison, and Connection. The students in the class will use the French language and cultural knowledge to express themselves orally and to create simple paragraphs while writing.

    Student expectations:

    • Interpretive Mode of communication, in which students demonstrate understanding of spoken and written communication within appropriate cultural contexts
    • Interpersonal Mode of communication, in which students engage in direct oral and/or written others.
    • Presentational Mode of communication, in which students present, orally and/or in writing, information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers with whom there is no immediate interaction.

    Class Rules

    1. Come prepare, come on time with a positive attitude!
    2. Use appropriate language, no put-downs, teasing or other inappropriate words.
    3. Follow directions
    4. Listen while others are speaking
    5. No food or drinks are permitted in the classroom.
    6. Be respectful and courteous to your classmates and teacher.
    7. NO CELL PHONE (Unless authorized by the Teacher for Educational purposes)


     Materials Needed: NOTEBOOK, PEN and/or PENCIL, and FOLDER

    Student Evaluation

    1. Oral presentation including dialogs, graded by rubric
    2. Short-term and long-term projects are graded by rubric
    3. Compositions graded by rubric
    4. Quizzes & Tests
    5. Homework, Class work & Class participation

     Course Grade

    • Test: 25%                                 Classwork: 20%
    • Quizzes: 20%                          Homework: 10%          Authentic Assessment: 25%

    Platforms: Google Classroom, Vista via Clever, Remind App

    Please see Google Classroom & Remind App Codes on the Teacher’s Webpage.

    Vista/Chemins 1 - Available online: etextbook, eworkbook, videos, activities, and assignments




    Student handbook










Last Modified on September 5, 2024