• Autocrat the Ultimate Google Add On 


    Image result for autocrat

    Designed for teachers and Administrators, AutoCrat is a Google add-on that allows you to merge information from your spreadsheets into other formats, like documents or PDFs. it is a free merge tool that is available in the Google add-ons store.

    Install Autocrat


    1. Open a spreadsheet
    2. Click the add-ons button in the navigation menu
    3. Click the Get add-ons button
    4. A window will pop up for you to browse
    5. Type “autoCrat” in the search box.
    6. Click the Free button to get the add-on

    You are ready to start using autoCrat!

    Add On




    Creating a Digital Rubric with Google Forms and autoCrat  

    Google Forms + autoCrat = Educational Gold