Forest Street Community School
651 Forest Street, Orange, NJ 07050
- Forest Street Community School
- Online Software Subscription
Irving, Naheelah (Technology Coordinator)
Page Navigation
- Welcome to Technology
- Internet Acceptable Use Poilcy
- Blackboard Website
- District Issued Chromebooks
- Copyright and Fair Use
- Technology Standards
- Tech Bytes Newsletter
- Technology Integration Tools
- How to Tech Video Tutorials
- Future Ready Schools NJ
- Online Software Subscription
- Digital Citizenship
- Coding
- Doodle 4 Google
- Snap & Read Chrome Extension
- Co-Writer Chrome Extension
- Math Apps and Sites
- OSD Educational Technology
- Tech Tools for Parent/Teacher Communication
- The Pineapple Chart
- Class Dojo
- Google Classroom
- Cyber Camp
- FlipGrid
- Screencastify
- Digital Storytelling
- AutoCrat
- Remind
- Instructional Videos
- Adobe Spark
- Edpuzzle
- Promethean Interactive Panel
- Digital Portfolios
- Generative AI in the Classroom
- Eduprotocols
- Timekettle
Use the links below to access and learn more about the software program we are using to help increase student achievement and engagement in the classroom.
Students can access most of the programs through the Orange School District Clever Portal. Once on Clever, they can then enter their username and password provided by their classroom teacher.
Newsela helps students' improve their reading comprehension and keeps them current with what is happening in our nation and the world.
Spelling City is a resource for parents and teachers that helps teach students new vocabulary and spelling.
Discovery Education is a standards-based digital curriculum resource for K–12 classrooms.
BrainPop is a group of educational websites with over 1,000 short animated movies for students in grades K-12, together with quizzes and related materials, covering the subjects of science, social studies, English, mathematics, engineering and technology, health, and arts and music.
Starfall is a website that teaches basic reading and writing skills. It teaches children how to read by using games and phonics.
Raz-Kids provides comprehensive leveled reading resources for students.
Learning Ally helps struggling readers through audio books & support services for educators, parents, and students dealing with dyslexia.
Rosetta Stone uses images, text, and sound to teach words and grammar.
Readorium is a nonfiction comprehension program that teaches kids (grades 3-8) to deeply understand the informational science text they read.
DreamBox Learning provides pre-kindergarten through 8th-grade students with over 1,800 lessons presented as animated adventures, games, and challenges.
iRead is a digital foundational reading program designed to close the achievement gap early and place ALL K-2 children on a predictable path to reading proficiently by Grade 3.
Reading Plus is a web-based reading intervention that uses technology to provide individualized scaffolded silent reading practice for students in grades 3 and higher.
i-Ready is an interactive online learning environment designed to assess students and provide individualized instruction based on each one's unique needs. provides digital curriculum and assessments that help students develop 21st century skills. They also offer tools and professional development services to support educators as they integrate technology and digital content into everyday instruction.
READ 180 is a reading intervention program in wide use by students in Grades 4–12 who read at least two years below grade level.
MATH 180 is a math intervention program for the Common Core. Designed for struggling students in grades 6 and up, the program builds students' confidence and competence in mathematics.