Supply List


    School Supplies

    Ms. Walker, 1st grade teacher



    Hello parents, welcome to first grade!

     I hope we are all looking forward to a great school year.  What you will need for the first couple of months of school is simple, but very necessary.  Please,  be sure to get all the supplies needed to ensure your first grader starts the school year off on the right track.  We are looking forward to a productive, organized , and successful school year for your child and you.  Items that will be added to the classroom supply will have a star next to them (*).  These items will be used for the class when the supply begins to run low. This is a classroom community and some of the items will be shared.              


    List of Supplies


    First Grade Supply List

    2 sets of headphones

    1 can Lysol spray *

    5 marble notebooks *

    1 pack white copy paper 8 1/2 X 11 *

    4 pocket folders (2 pockets)

    2 packs of pencils *
    4 glue sticks *
    1 pack 4 X 6 index cards
    1 box of colored pencils *
    1 box of 24 crayons
    1 pack dry erase markers *
    1 box – gallon-sized Ziploc bags *
    1 box of quart-sized Ziploc bags *
    2 rolls of paper towels *
    1 pack of baby wipes * 
    2 boxes of tissues *

    Please let me know if you have any questions about this list.  Most of these items will be kept in school for your child's use, so don't look for them to come back home.  I will send home reminders periodically when more supplies are needed.  Remember, this is going to be a long school year, so we will need to replace some of these items from time to time.  Thank you in advance for your continued help in making this a productive and delightful school year for your child.

    Por favor, hágamelo saber si tiene alguna pregunta sobre esta lista. La mayoría de estos artículos se mantendrán en la escuela para el uso de su hijo, así que no espere que regresen a casa. Enviaré recordatorios 
    a casa periódicamente cuando se necesiten más suministros. Recuerde, este será un año escolar largo, por lo que tendremos que reemplazar algunos de estos artículos de vez en cuando. Gracias de antemano por su ayuda
    continua para hacer de este un año escolar productivo y agradable para su hijo.