• Mrs. Skultety



    I am super excited to be your STEM and Computer Literacy teacher. 

    We will have great experience learning computer skills and programming. We will follow the PLTW Framework to empower you to thrive in the evolving world with skills and experience which are increasingly important in the advancing, innovative workplace. 

    I am looking forward to a successful school year!

                           Please reach out with any questions or concerns via any channels:

                        1. Email: skultehe@orange.k12.nj.us

                        2.  PAS Office Phone: 732 477-4124

    Please review the general supply list by clicking the Supplies tab. Thank you in advance for purchasing the items for your child.   

    Orange School District Families,
    Should you have any questions about returning to school, you are encouraged to send an email to reopeningofschools@orange.k12.nj.us. You will receive an email response within 24 hours. Thank you for your continued support of the Orange Township Public School District.

    Gerald Fitzhugh, II, Ed.D.
    Superintendent of Schools