• **7th Grade ELA Homework Corner**
    DATE                                                                                                ASSIGNMENTS:
    **Please check for homework assignments in our Google classrooms on the stream!** 
    **If there isn't a specific assignment, you should read your independent novel for 30 minutes EVERY night.  You must work on your I-Ready assignments every night. You need a minimum 45 minutes log-on time each week in I-Ready and a minimum of two completed assignments.**  
     **If you have any questions about the homework assignments, please email me your questions between 3:30pm-8:00pm any night of the week and I will try to respond as soon as possible. Please make sure I know who you are! **
     Ms. Catanzarite's email: catanzli@orange.k12.nj.us
    *You can also message me in Clever, Dojo,  or in the google classroom stream!*
    Sentence Starters for Citing text evidence:
    Text Evidence Sentence Starters