Ms. Lisa Catanzarite/7th Grade English Language Arts Teacher/room #407

  • Ms. Catanzarite & family 


    Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! My name is Ms. Lisa Catanzarite and I am currently teaching 7th grade English Language Arts. English Language Arts incorporates reading, writing, & grammar skills. My classroom #407 is located on the 4th floor of the Rosa Parks building. Students in my classes are expected to be prepared for class each day with their materials as well as their homework. Each student has joined my Google classroom as we do a hybrid educational plan; some work on paper and some work online. Attendance is taken in the classroom each day. I assign homework regularly {including weekends} and all of the work will require the use of the internet and computers. Please monitor your child's progress by making sure they turn in all of their assignments. The students and parents may also email me any and all questions they have about homework, long-term assignments, or other school issues before 8:00pm each night at:


    *Class Dojo APP or website:

    Block #2 {Bate's Homeroom}:

    Block #3 {Pais' Homeroom}:

    Block #4 {Catanzarite's homeroom}:


    *Google Classroom codes by blocks:

    Block #2 {Bate's Homeroom}:   uiha6rh

    Block #3 {Pais' Homeroom}:  qpyjkip

    Block #4 {Catanzarite's homeroom}:  p3nk5hx


    **Clever using the student log-in information

    *** Google classroom on the stream

    Below you will find the list of school supplies your child will need for my class. Please try to have all of these materials as soon as possible. We will be starting day one with the Language Arts curriculum.

    * {1} Marble composition book

    * Colored ink ball point pens {for editing}

    * Black or blue erasable pens/pencils

    * highlighters

    * {1} 2-pocket folder

    *{1} hand sanitizer 

    *{1} box of tissues for classroom

    *{1-2} Clorox wipes

    * 1 package of copypaper {white}


    I am looking forward to a challenging and successful school year!