

     Image result for internet acceptable use policy

    Orange School District
    Internet Acceptable Use Agreement


    The Orange Board of Education is providing employees and students with access to the District’s electronic communication system, which includes Internet access.

    The District system has a limited educational purpose. The purpose of the District system is to assist in preparing students for success in life and work in the 21st century by providing them with electronic access to a wide range of information and the ability to communicate with people throughout the world. Additionally, the system will be used to increase District communications, enhance productivity, and assist District employees in upgrading their skills through greater exchange of information with their peers. The District system will also assist the District in sharing information with the local community, including parents/guardians, social service agencies, government agencies, and business on a regular basis, as local access becomes more universal.

    Users may not use the District system for commercial purposes, defined as offering or providing goods or services or purchasing goods or services for personal use. District acquisition policies will be followed for District purchase of goods or services throughout the District system.

    Users may not use the system for political lobbying. District employees and students may use the system to communicate with their elected representatives and to express their opinion on political issues.

    The term “educational purpose” includes the use of the system for classroom activities and professional or career development.


    Student Authorized Use Policy Agreement forms are available at the links below:

    OBE AUP English

    OBE AUP Spanish

    OBE AUP Haitian Creole