Orange Public Schools
Gerald Fitzhugh, II, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools
- Orange Public Schools
- Office of Innovation Home Page
Office of Innovation and Community Engagement
Page Navigation
- Office of Innovation Home Page
- Computer Literacy
- Career and Technical Education (CTE)
- Community Engagement
Educational Technology
- 50 Tools Teachers Should Know
- Common Sense
- Copyright Resources for Teachers
- Discovery Resources
- District AUP for Staff and Students
- G Suite Enterprise for Education Resources
- GoGuardian
- Google Classroom
- Google Drive
- Google Forms
- Google Sites
- ISTE Standards
- Kami
- Online Tools for Teaching and Learning
- Parents How To Videos and Guides
- Pear Deck Resources
- Plagiarism Resources and Policy
- Virtual PD Recordings and How To's
- Virtual PD Resources
- Windows 10 Resources
- Physical Education/Health
- Professional Development Plan
- Surveys
- Title I
Office of Innovation
Executive Director, Faith Alcantara,
Confidential Secretary, Tiffany Jervis,
Career and Technical Education
Community Engagement
Educational Technology
Physical Education/Health
Titles and Grants
The Office of Innovation and Community Engagement will create innovative programs aligned to and in support of existing PreK - 12 programming while expanding districtwide funding sources through title, grant and subgrant opportunities. Working in collaboration with and in support of all district schools and departments, The Office of Innovation and Community Engagement, is committed to the development of practices and solutions that support student needs through innovative thought, program development and a continual focus on emerging trends.
The Office of Innovation and Community Engagement serves as a conduit to unite innovative practices, community engagement, titles/grants, career and technical education, and technology to achieve greater synergies between these entities in all academic and programmatic settings within our school district, PreK - 12.
Core Values
The core values that will guide our work are:
Engagement & Collaboration
Access & Equity