Orange Public Schools
Gerald Fitzhugh, II, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools
- Orange Public Schools
- Educational Technology
- Common Sense
Office of Innovation and Community Engagement
Page Navigation
- Office of Innovation Home Page
- Computer Literacy
- Career and Technical Education (CTE)
- Community Engagement
Educational Technology
- 50 Tools Teachers Should Know
- Common Sense
- Copyright Resources for Teachers
- Discovery Resources
- District AUP for Staff and Students
- G Suite Enterprise for Education Resources
- GoGuardian
- Google Classroom
- Google Drive
- Google Forms
- Google Sites
- ISTE Standards
- Kami
- Online Tools for Teaching and Learning
- Parents How To Videos and Guides
- Pear Deck Resources
- Plagiarism Resources and Policy
- Virtual PD Recordings and How To's
- Virtual PD Resources
- Windows 10 Resources
- Physical Education/Health
- Professional Development Plan
- Surveys
- Title I
Digital media and technology are evolving at a dizzying pace, both unlocking extraordinary opportunities and posing real risks for young people. Students are using the immense power of the Internet and mobile technology to explore, connect, create, and learn in ways never before imagined, both in and out of the classroom. But issues that emerge from this 24/7 "connected culture," such as cyberbullying, privacy lapses, and uncertainty about which information to trust online, are surfacing both in schools and at home.
Orange Public Schools sees these as teachable moments. We believe that digital citizenship skills have become essential for students in the 21st century, especially in schools like ours that are using technology to transform learning. That's why we are committed to teaching our students how to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly. Orange Public Schools has just been approved as a Common Sense Certified District: Digital Citizenship, an honor that recognizes our efforts in teaching digital citizenship to young people and engaging the entire community in this important discussion. This recognition is provided by Common Sense Education, part of a national nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology.
Our schools are one of the more than 100,000 schools across the country that use Common Sense Education's groundbreaking education resources. As a result, our students are better equipped to navigate the digital world and use devices for learning.
To learn more about Common Sense Education, visit
Orange School District Digital Citizenship VisionOur vision for the students in the Orange School District is to be responsible digital citizens. They must be respectful and ethical users of digital media. We are using the Common Sense curriculum to provide students with the skills necessary to remain safe online, encourage students to become aware of their digital footprint and make ethical decisions while using technology. We are committed to extending this learning platform to our staff, families, and community-at-large.
Educators Training