
    Dear Parents and Guardians,


    WELCOME to 4th Grade!!!! My name is Ms. Keva Holman and I teach in classroom 206. I have been an educator for over 20 years. During my career, I have taught first grade through sixth grade. I have always loved working with children and I am looking forward to having your child in my classroom this year. We have a bright and exciting school year ahead of us! I want you to know that I care very much about your child’s education and will strive each day to give them a safe learning environment.


    Parents are the driving force in their children’s lives. Please show your concern by asking your child about their school day and making sure assigned homework and classwork is completed daily. Homework assignments will be posted in the classroom and in Google classroom every day. There will not be homework on Friday. Friday will be used to catch-up on i-Ready and other assignments.


    I believe that Fourth Grade should be a happy experience for both parents and children, and hope we can work together as a team to ensure that this happens. I encourage you to set up a time for us to talk on the phone. You can leave me a message at Rosa Parks School (973-677-4515) or e-mail me at holmanke@mail.orange.k12.nj.us. I look forward to working with you and your child this school year. The school supply list will be posted at a later date. 


    Educationally yours,

    Ms. Keva Holman