• Assignments I will Grade each week.

    Class Participation: (Weekly Class Participation Grade) Students must come to class with a charged Chromebook, their ELA notebook, and a pen/pencil. Students are expected to be a part of the lesson: they should ask questions, provide answers, listen to all speakers in the class, and do all the work asked of them to the best of their ability. If a student is finished with the lesson for the day, they should work on Reading Plus, content read or reading log assignments. If you finish all of those, you may find something constructive to do.

    • 5 Reading Plus Lessons must be completed each week (Quiz Grade)
    • 1 Content Read in NewsELA must be completed each week (Homework Grade)
    • 30 Minutes of Independent Reading should occur daily. We will do this together each Friday. Independent Reading Logs will be on Google Classroom and will be due each week. (Homework Grade)