Orange Public Schools
Gerald Fitzhugh, II, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools
- Orange Public Schools
- English Language Arts
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Office of Humanities
Page Navigation
- Office of Humanities Home Page
- English Language Arts
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Visual and Performing Arts
- Event Calendars
VPA Staff by School
- Cleveland Street School VPA Teachers
- Forest Street School VPA Teachers
- Heywood Avenue School VPA Teachers
- Lincoln Avenue School VPA Teachers
- Oakwood Avenue School VPA Teachers
- Orange High School VPA Teachers
- Orange Preparatory Academy VPA Teachers
- Park Avenue School
- Rosa Parks Central Community School VPA Teachers
- School Library Media Specialists
- Orange Page Turners 2024-2025 Reading Challenge
Grade Band
Resources to Enhance Learning K-5 - Virutal Tours - museums, zoos, and other extended classroom experiences
- iRead Access (accept adobe flashplayer to get started)
- BookFlix (PreK-3) [UN: Learning20 PW: Clifford]
- TrueFlix (Grades 3+) [UN: Learning20 PW: Clifford]
- ScienceFlix (Grades 5+) [UN: Learning20 PW: Clifford]
- Watch & Learn Library (PreK-3) [UN: Learning20 PW: Clifford]
- PBS Learning Media
6-12 For Parents How to translate in Class Dojo:
- Para traducir mensajes en Class Dojo video version
- Pou tradwi mesaj nan Klas Dojo video version
- To translate messages in Class Dojo
Writing Development
Tips for Reading Readiness Phonemic awareness skills by age* (by Leslie Mata on Oct 15, 2020)
3 yrs Nursery rhymes; hearing alliteration and identifying words that rhyme 4 yrs Identifying and producing rhyming words; clapping syllables; segmenting sentences into words/counting the number of words in a sentence 5 yrs Identifying words that do not rhyme within a group; blend together onsets and rimes followed by phoneme blending. Focus on blending at this level. 6 yrs Blending sounds together to create words; segmenting sounds (beginning/middle/end) to identify parts of words (phoneme isolation) 6–7 yrs Counting sounds in words; identifying individual sounds in a word (phoneme segmentation); begin to spell phonetically 7–8 yrs Manipulating sounds within words (adding, deleting, and substituting beginning consonant sounds) to form new words Free Books Online Visit this site to access thousands of free popular books.