

Degrees and Certifications:

Information Resource Page

Welcome to Ms. Devose’s Imformation Resource Page                                     Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to my Extended Learning Resource Page. This page was created to provide students working from home with access to assignments, links, assessments, and practice resources. Schools will be completely virtual from January 3rd - January 14th.  I am glad you are here!!!!! I am so happy to see you this year, I know you will do Fantastic because You are Amazing!! . 

Should you have any questions about assignments, you can contact me through the following channels: Email: orthrough ClassDojo


Readorium log in information

1.go to Google classroom the link
3.Sign in: 
username:first initial and last name ex:sdevose
password:your lunch number
class ids: Devose-3085      Napolitano-3083
                Miller-3084         Tynes-3086
                Assia-3081          St. Fort-3082

Student Expectations 

 Instruction begins at 8:30am and ends at 3:20pm.

● Log into your homeroom class beginning at 8:20am for Homeroom.

● Attendance will be taken in each class. You MUST attend all your classes to receive credit for attendance.

● Identify a comfortable and quiet place to learn.

● Cameras must be turned on.

● You are expected to remain in class throughout the duration of the class (for the entire class).

● Complete all assignments based on the provided timelines and/or due dates.

● Any questions or need for support, contact the teacher in google classroom or on ClassDojo


Sites to utilize