• Mr. Rose

    Grade 6 - United States History I Teacher


     Welcome to the Grade 6 Social Studies Resource Page.


    (FYI - The course website is updated DAILY to assist you with helping your child to focus on the materials being presented. CLICK ON THE LINK ABOVE to access the site.)

     Please make sure you check your child's PARENT PORTAL in order to view their up-to-date grades in class.




    The links below are meant to be used for accessing assignments and programs that will be used for assignments. Please e-mail me with questions. 


    2024-25 Google Classroom Codes: www.google.com 

    (use your school Google login to access.)

    Class/Team Name:                               HR Teacher:                             Code:

    GIANTS                                                MR. ROSE                                v5lh2l4  

    49ers                                                     MS. SEALY                               4s3fwjr

    BEARS                                                  MRS. BRANDT                         kycnmow  

    LIONS                                                   MRS. MARTINEZ                      ricncbo  

    BRONCOS                                            MR. BALBOSA                          4d7iccp 

    EAGLES                                                MS. MAY-RICKS                       fmujpey  



    (Use this link to login for BrainPop/Newsela/Edulastic assignments. Students log in using their lunch number.)


    Class Dojo Class Codes

    (Contact me during my Office Hours via this app)

    Class/Team Name:                                HR Teacher:                            Code:

    GIANTS                                              MR. ROSE                        https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=class&class=C4HBXD9

    49ers                                                  MS. SEALY                       https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=class&class=CMAKMSY

    BEARS                                               MRS. BRANDT                 https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=class&class=CSUSZWG

    LIONS                                                MRS. MARTINEZ                        

    BRONCOS                                         MR. BALBOSA                  https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=class&class=CY5UHEC

    EAGLES                                             MS. MAY-RICKS               https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=class&class=C6973HV