
    Hello! Welcome to Ms. DeVose's Page!





    Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):   Science


        I would like to take this opportunity to say WELCOME! to the 2023-2024 school year. My name is Ms. Shannon Devose, I am the Third Grade Science teacher here at the Rosa Parks Community School. I would like to welcome you and your child to the third grade. This year the children will be learning many amazing and exciting things. I look forward to working with you to make sure this year is successful for you and your child. Together we will make this a phenomenal year for your child to develop lifelong skills. I believe with hard work, dedication and a helping hand our students will meet with great success.


    If you need to contact me you may call the office at (973) 677-4515 and leave a message, contact me through class dojo or email me at devosesh@orange.k12.nj.us.


    Thank you in advance for your help and cooperation,

    Ms. Devose  

    3rd Grade Unit Topics
    Unit 1-Water and Climate-Properties of water
    Unit 2- Mass and Motion-Energy and matter
    Unit 3- Structures of Life-Life cycles