• Ms. Pamela A. Venable, MA, CSW - School Counselor 


    Brain Break


    Google Meet

    Google Classroom


    Social and Emotional Well-Being

    Social and Emotional Videos K-2








     Extended Learning Resource Page


    Dear Parents and Students,

    Welcome to the Extended Learning Resource Page.  This page was created to provide students working from home with access to social and emotional support, links, and activities.   Additional information and daily updates can be found on the district’s COVID-19 Resource Page found at https://www.orange.k12.nj.us/domain/3058.


     Virtuial Office Hours


    Monday through Friday

    9:00 am - 11:00 am

     1:00 pm - 3:00 pm



    Social & Emotional Well Being through Mindfulness (Meditaton) & Movement


    Mindfulness helps children as well as adults to learn and recognize how we are feeling. Mindfulness helps to reduce anxiety and stresss. Students are encouraged to watch videos and share their thoughts and feelings.  You will notice that mindfulness helps to calm those who may be anxious or upset.  Mindfulness is also used as a tool to improve self-coonfidence and encourge students to use positive affirmations.



    Introduction to Mindfulness   https://youtu.be/9A0S54yAgEg



     "When people have peace in themselves, then there can be peace in the world."