Rosa Parks Community School
369 Main Street,Orange, NJ 07050
- Rosa Parks Community School
- Overview
Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act
HIB Grades
During the first two years of implementation of the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act, Rosa Parks Community School has made progress in addressing and improving harassment intimidation and bullying and school climate by establishing HIB programs, approaches, expectations and initiatives that are embedded in the school culture.
This annual establishment of programs, approaches and other initiatives involve all of the following groups: school staff, students, administrators, law enforcement, parents and community members. These HIB awareness programs have fostered a climate of high expectations for safe, civil and supportive student and staff behavior.
Our approach at Rosa Parks Community School takes into consideration the developmental ages of our students, the severity of the offenses, and prior histories of inappropriate behaviors. At Rosa Parks Community School, all students are expected to adhere to rules established by the school district and to submit to remedial and consequential measures that are appropriately assigned for infractions of these rules.
In addition, Rosa Parks Community School prohibits active or passive support for acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Pupils are encouraged to support others who:
1. Constructively attempt to stop acts of HIB;
2. Provide support to pupils who have been subjected to HIB; and
3. Report acts of HIB to a school staff member.
During the upcoming school year, Rosa Parks Community School will be working to strengthen our professional development for our HIB specialists and staff members. We will improve our communication about HIB policy by including this information in school informative materials. We will improve our HIB related training of after-school program personnel. In addition, we will make greater strides in the community to inform resident stakeholders of the school and district policy. In addition, we will work to improve our delivery of HIB programming to our students in innovative and engaging ways, and to strengthen our positive incentives for students who exhibit appropriate behavior in school and in the community. There are a maximum of 75 points for a school's HIB Grade. Rosa Parks Community School has a grade of 53 points. The grade for the District is 51.