September Learning
  • General Information:

    Rules and Routines

    Student Assessments

    Social Emotional Learning

    September Holidays


    Literacy: Houghton Mifflin

    Module 1: Characters in Action!

    Reading: Students will listen to, read, and view a variety of texts and media that present them with information about bold, interesting characters.

    -Point of View, Literary Elements, Theme, Characterization, and Figurative Language. 


    Writing: Students will be presented with information about the importance of words and how they are used to express ideas and feelings. 

    -Character Analysis, Opinion Writing.


    Mathematics: Illustrative Mathematics

    Module 1: Introduction to Multiplication

    Students represent and solve multiplication problems through the context of picture and bar graphs that represent categorical data.


    Science: FossWeb

    Unit 1: Earth Science - Water and Climate 

    Students will explore the properties of water, the water cycle, and interactions between water and the other earth materials.   Students will learn how humans use water as a natural resource.


    Social Studies: My World 

    Chapter 1: Our Environment

    Students will learn the geography of the US; landforms, bodies of water, and the five regions.  Students will also learn how the environment varies and how this influences people.

  • What We're Learning

  • Monthly Reminders:

    September 4: Labor Day

    September 7: Welcome Back! First Day of School

    September 10: Grandparents Day 

    September 11: Patriot Day

    September 15: Hispanic Heritage Month Begins

    September 17: Constitution Day


    Sign up for the Parent Portal on Genesis

    Sign up for the Lunch Program

September Learning