Forest Street Community School
651 Forest Street, Orange, NJ 07050
- Forest Street Community School
- Genesis Parent Portal
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Forest Street Community SchoolParent Portal
Click Here to Log In to the Parent Portal
Don't have access to the Parent Portal?
Orange Public School District uses Genesis, a parent communication tool which enables students and parents/guardians to view student information. The Genesis Parent Access portal provides parents/guardians with a safe and secure way to view their child's information:- Marking Period, Exam and Final Grades
- Interim Progress Reports and Report Cards
- Attendance to school and class attendance
- Teacher Gradebook Assignments and Grades
- Discipline Records
- Letters sent to you regarding your child: General Purpose; Attendance; Discipline; Scheduling; Fines/Fees
- Review and edit Contact Information (email, phone numbers, emergency contacts)
Please take time out to gain access to your child's grades and attendance by joining the OSD Genesis Parent Portal. Each parent/guardian/student must complete and sign a Parent/Student Portal Access Agreement before viewing student information. Once you've completed the application, please return it to your child's classroom teacher.- Parent Portal Access - This link will take you to the log-in screen for the Parent Portal
Parent Portal Application - Click here to download and print the Parent Portal Application
Parent Access Module Guide - Click here to access the guide book to the Parent Portal
Accessing Genesis
Once you've turned in your Application, it may take up to 1 week to receive access. You will receive an email from Genesis with a temporary password. The very first time you log in, you will be prompted to change your password. Passwords must be at least 7 characters. If you have not received a Welcome Email, please contact the Technology Coordinator or the main office to verify the email address we have on file. To log into Genesis Parent access:- Go to the Grades link that can be found on the District Home Page and each school’s Home Page or use the following link: Genesis
- Enter your Email Address in the USERNAME field.
- Enter your password in the PASSWORD field.
- Click the LOGIN button.
What if I Forget My Password?Next to the LOGIN BUTTON, you will see a FORGOT MY PASSWORD link. Click the FORGOT MY PASSWORD link, enter your email address, and you will be emailed a randomly generated password. You will be required to change this new password the first time you log in. If you do not receive an email, please contact the technology coordinator or the main office to verify the email address we have on file is correct.Your Genesis Parent Access Username is the email address you provided to the district when you registered your child in school. If you did not receive a Welcome Email, are unsure of the email address on file, or wish to add/change the email address on file, please contact the technology coordinator or the main office of your child's school.Logging Out of Genesis
It is important to log out of Genesis Parent Access properly. In this era of Internet access, it is important to always properly close your sessions so that unauthorized persons cannot gain access to your information. Closing the browser without logging out leaves your session open on the Genesis servers. Be secure, always log out properly.***This applies not only to Genesis Parent Access, but also to every Internet/Web Application you use.***To log out, click the LOGOUT button located in the upper right corner of the screen.Parent Portal Quick Overview
The Genesis Parents Module is a safe, secure way to view your child’s school record for the current school year. You will have access to the following information:
- Your child or children’s Schedule
- Your child or children’s Interims
- Your child or children’s Report Cards
- Your child or children’s attendance records
Logging In
Logging into the Parent Portal is very simple:
- Go to the Parent Access URL - You can access this link from the Orange School District home page.
- Enter your Email Address that was sent to you in the “Username‟ field.
- Enter your Parent Access password in the “Password‟ field.
- Click the “Login‟ button
Logging In for the First Time. The very first time you login you will be required to change your password.
Student Summary Dashboard Screen
When you log in to Genesis Parent Access, the first screen you see is Parent Access “Home”. This is the Student Dashboard screen. You will see a “dashboard‟ for every student linked to your login. Each student’s “dashboard‟ contains the following information:
- Basic information about the student: student id, homeroom, grade, age. If you are viewing the screen during the school day, you will also see information about the class your student is in “right now‟: current class, current teacher and current room.
- Your student‟s schedule. The class the student is in “right now‟ is highlighted in green. You can click on the PDF icon to print the schedule.
Attendance Daily Attendance
This is your student’s Daily and Class attendance summary for the whole school year.
- The Attendance Calendar with each day color coded
- A summary of the student’s attendance for the year
- The “Legend‟ of attendance codes.
- Attendance Color Codes
The Grading screen gives you access to your student’s Interims or Report Cards. Viewing your Child’s Most Recent Interim or Report Card If you are able to view your child’s actual report card, a “Please click here to view” message will appear between your child’s name and the form: If this message appears, click it to view the actual interim displayed in a PDF.
A list of Courses with Assignments by Day of the Current Week. This screen lists all the courses your child is currently taking.
Marking Period Averages for the Courses - The “Avg” column shows you your child’s current Marking Period average – for the current or a previous Marking Period.
Viewing all Assignments for One Course - To see all of the Assignments for one course, click on the highlighted course name. That will take you to the “One Course/All Assignments” screen.
Gradebook Week Summary
This shows you a snapshot of all assignments that are due for the selected week. You may do the following:
- Select a different week by clicking in the “Week of” field.
- See all the Assignments for one course by clicking on the highlighted name of a course in the list.