• safe summer


    Hello families,

    On behalf of the inclusion team ( Ms. Weinstein, Ms. Balzano, Ms. Sauchelli and Ms. Amorin), we would like to extend our most significant appreciation for allowing us to give your children the support they needed throughout their inclusion teachers. We are all delighted to see their growth and how much they have come along this year. So again, we thank you for always being there and working together as a team to help your children have a successful school year. 


    We encourage families to continue reinforcing the skills that students have been thinking about in school over the summer. It's important for them to be able to continue having that routine and consistent opportunity to learn during the summer, so they don't fall behind in the next school year. 




    Remember! Hands-on activities are the best way for children to learn. Gabbing some inexpensive things at the dollar store can turn their learning into fun! 

    -clothes pins






    -do-a-dot markers

    -craft sticks

    -small toys that can be manipulated (counted, sorted by color, etc)


    This is just a small idea of what you can use to maximize learning at home this summer. All you need is a creative mind. Activities can be math, language arts, science, and anything you can imagine. Activities wish for you to intentionally teach math skills such as counting 1-10 or more, sorting by colors, shapes, and more, and identifying numbers. Language arts skills can be taught by continuing to read to your children, asking simple 'wh' questions (what? Where? When?), teaching letters of their name and the alphabet, and exposing them to beginning forms of writing (allowing children to trace letters in sand or other materials, and begin writing lines, shapes, and letters). 



    plane Going on a trip this summer?car

    Take a look at this video to help you pack a sensory travel bag. This will help lessen travel stress for both you and your child.

     Sensory Travel Kits


    See you in September 2024-2025 SEE YOU