• Cleveland St.Elementary School Health Course Outline

    School Year 2023-2024


    Instructor: Edward Harris    harrised@orange.k12.nj.us


    I. Rationale:

    The primary goal and objective of health education is to provide our children with the knowledge and skills necessary to initiate and maintain a healthy lifestyle that will continue into and throughout adulthood. The Health program at Cleveland St. Elementary School aligns with the New Jersey Department of Education’s Core Curriculum Content Standards that can be viewed at NJ Health and PE Standards. The various topics covered are grade/age related and the information builds year to year.

    II. Course Objectives: Students will be able to:

         a.   acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle

         b.   acquire knowledge about alcohol, tobacco,other drugs, and medicines and apply these

               concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle

         c.  acquire knowledge about the physical, emotional and social aspects of human           

               relationships and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle

    III. Classroom Rules

          a.  Respect others at all times

         b.  Come to class prepared (Pen/Pencil,Notebook)

         c.   Participate in class discussions and activities

         d.  Complete all assignments

         e.  No candy, food, or gum is allowed in class

         f.  Use restroom before or after class

    IV. Grading

    Course grades are based on the following:


      25%-Authentic Assessment (portfolios, performance assessment, projects)

      20%-Classwork (Do Nows, assignments, and class task)

      20%-Class Participation (questioning, discussion, offering relevant comments)

      10%-Homework (reading/writing assignments, long-term projects)

      Gradingscale: A 100-90; B 89-80; C 79-70; D 69-60; F 64 and below