• Welcome to Cleveland Street School Drama Class



    Drama Teacher Name: Mrs. Keshner
    Email Address:  keshnebr@orange.k12.nj.us


    My name is Mrs. Keshner and I am the director of drama at Cleveland Street School.

    In the class, students will participate in theater games, pantomime, characterization, vocal and physical warm-ups, and develop social/personal skills through partner and group work. They will participate by using their voices, bodies, and writing skills. Overall, students will have experience performing in front of each other, which will help improve their confidence throughout their school and adult years.



    1. Come to class on time and have good attendance.

    2. Participate in all warm-ups, activities, and critiques.

    3. Respect the classroom, fellow classmates, and teacher.  

    4. Stay on task, show effort, and contribute ideas during group work/class work.

    5. No gum chewing or eating in class.


    Quick Theater Links

    • http://www.playbill.com/
    • http://www.njpac.org/
    • http://www.sopacnow.org