• Cougars ROCKcougar
    Each morning, during opening routines, the students of Cleveland Street Elementary School recite the Pledge of Allegiance and the School Creed.
    The School Creed proudly states:
    We,  the students of Cleveland Street Elementary School,
    will be focused on our academics.
    We will demonstrate self-discipline at all times.
    We will respect all adults, students and ourselves
    because we are young, gifted students that will SUCCEED.
    F = Focus
    Keep your minds clear of the negative.
    D = Discipline ourselves, we will be positive. 
    We are old enough to have self-control.
    R = Respect   R-E-S-P-E-C-T
    RESPECT is the thing you will get from us!
    Focus + Discipline + Respect = Success.