• ENGLISH 8th Grade

    Teacher: Ms. Scheibe

    Email: scheibde@orange.k12.nj.us

    “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors,

     and the most patient of teachers.” 

    Charles William Eliot


    Course Description:

    Welcome!  Summer is waning, and you may or may not be excited about being back at school.   Let’s make the most of this year together, alright?  I am excited to meet you, and I hope you have some passion, even the smallest, for the strength and power of the written word.  It is your voice in life.  My aim is to make that voice clear and strong.

    Writing objectives for 8th grade this year include: students will write and edit their work individually and in groups.  The class and homework focus on specific writing exercises that help students create and recognize good writing.  We will also review the basic elements of library/online research. 

    This class will be in continual motion where students are writing and sharing.  Students will brainstorm, write and revise alone and in groups.  Classmates and the teacher will give regular feedback.  Grades are given for group and class participation.   

    Our Curriculum:  Modules include: reflections on the media and technology, the horror genre, the fight for racial equality in America, and American immigration experiences.

    Required Materials:

    • 1 writing notebook (min. 70 pages) for journal work

    • 1 folders (for class and portfolio work)

    • Loose leaf paper

    • pens, pencils, highlighter 


    Class and Writing Assignments:

    • Formal essays and at least one research paper. Papers include preliminary work, a composed rough draft and a final draft. 

    • Vocabulary, grammar and writing skills incorporated into our content learning.

    • Journals will be used for students to keep in-class writing and homework.  This journal will be randomly collected and assessed.

    • Various in-class writing assignments.


    Grade Breakdown: (percentages of final grade)

    50% - Essays and Research Papers:  Late papers will be dropped one grade per class late unless prior permission is granted. Papers will not be accepted beyond one week from their due date. 

     10% - Quizzes.

     20%  – Short writings, Class Exercises, and Homework:

    10% - Class and Group Participation:  This grade includes the frequency of thoughtful participation in class by sharing work, asking questions and constructive contributions to discussions.


    Paper Requirements:

    • An “A” paper has a well-developed thesis or main focus, has improved through revisions, and has been carefully edited and corrected.  It also engages well with the text used.

    • A “B” paper also relates well with the text, has a focused thesis, and shows a good understanding of revision strategies and editing.  It may have more errors and be less well-developed than an “A” paper.

    • A “C” paper has problems with its language, its coherence, and its engagement with the text. However, it still shows evidence of development and some understanding of revision and editing.

    • A “D” paper has clear weaknesses in its focus, its organization, its development, and its grammar and editing. 

    • An “F” paper show major problems in the above areas that make it unacceptable as a finished paper.


    Additional Requirements:

    Homework:   Homework is due on the date noted so that students are prepared and ready to be an active part of the class.  If there are any extenuating circumstances preventing a student from class work, he/she should tell me immediately.   

    Plagiarism: Writers deserve credit for their ideas and work.  If you read material and take their ideas to use them as your own in a paper you need to cite, or note, their work.  When you don't cite, you are plagiarizing.  

    Absences and Tardiness:  Make sure to check Google classroom for missed assignments to keep up.  Homework is expected to be done upon your return unless you are too ill or have another reason noted by an adult to miss it. 

    Classroom Behavior:  Common courtesy, following class rules, quietness during class and participation in class activities and groups are required and important to our class environment. Cell phones are to be off and away at all times. Continued offenses will result in detention or referral to the Vice Principal.