• 8th Grade Math Syllabus: Ms. Salvatoriello Room 315


    - Email (Checked Regularly):  salvatkr@orange.k12.nj.us  

    -  Website [For Information] (https://www.orange.k12.nj.us/Domain/1598)


    - After School Program (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3pm-4pm)

    - Saturday Program (Saturday 9am-12pm)


    Students should bring the following items to math class every day:  

    1. Text/Workbook materials 

    2. Notebook dedicated solely to math  

    3. 2 Sharpened Pencils, Eraser (NO pens)  

    4. One 2-Pocket Math Folder for Worksheets  

    5. Sharpener (optional) 


    Grades are determined using a point system with the following weights:  

    - Tests: 25%  

    - Quizzes: 20%  

    - Class Work: 20%  

    - Authentic Assessment (Projects, Performance Tasks, Portfolios, etc.): 25%  

    - Homework: 10%  

    Each assignment grade is calculated as the percentage of total points earned divided by the total possible points. The resulting percent translates to a letter grade:  

    - 90-100% = A  

    - 80-89% = B  

    - 70-79% = C  

    - 65-69% = D  

    - 0-64% = F  


    1. Be on time, be prepared, and remain on task.  

    2. Be respectful to everyone, including the teacher, at all times.  

    3. Remain seated in your assigned seat.  

    4. Raise your hand to speak. 

    5. Maintain a positive attitude.  


    1. Warning  

    2. Time after class  

    3. Phone calls to parents as needed (positive and negative)  

    4. Severe or repeated unacceptable behavior will be referred to the principal.  


    Homework is crucial for reinforcing and practicing the material covered in class. All assignments are due at the beginning of the class period and are graded based on accuracy or completion.


    Late work will be accepted with points deducted. However, assignments submitted more than two weeks past the due date will not be accepted. Below are the directions and criteria for late assignments.

    Outlining the direction and criteria for late assignments:

    **Two-Week Submission Window**:  
      - Assignments will not be accepted if submitted more than two weeks after the original due date.
      - All late assignments must be completed and submitted within this two-week window.

    **Notification Requirement**:  
         - After submitting a late assignment, you must contact Ms. Salvatoriello via Remind to notify her of the submission.
         -  Be specific in your message, mentioning the date of the assignment and the name of the assignment you’ve completed.  
                                                                                                                                                                                                               -If you do not notify her after submitting, you will not receive credit for the assignment.

    **Point Deduction**:  
      - Points will be deducted for late submissions based on how late the assignment is submitted.
    **No Exceptions**:  
      - Late assignments submitted after the two-week period will not be accepted under any circumstances.


    Progress reports are shown to students every two weeks. You can request a progress report at any time by emailing me or sending a note with your child. Additionally, student progress is accessible through the parent portal.


    It is the student's responsibility to collect and complete any missed work. Students should arrange to make up missed assignments within a reasonable timeframe agreed upon with the teacher. Below are the directions on what to do if you are absent. 

    **Steps to Follow If You Were Absent:**

    1. **Check Google Classroom:**
       - Navigate to Google Classroom and locate the post corresponding to the day you were absent.
       - This post will contain important information about the lesson you missed.

    2. **Watch the Lesson Video:**
       - In the Google Classroom, find the section labeled "Videos (Illustrative Mathematics Curriculum)."
       - Watch the video for the lesson that you missed to ensure you understand the material covered during your absence.

    3. **Complete the Cooldown:**
       - After watching the lesson video, complete the Cooldown activity for that lesson.
       - This is essential for reinforcing your understanding of the concepts discussed in the lesson.

    4. **Submit Your Cooldown:**
       - Once you've completed the Cooldown, submit it through Google Classroom.

    5. **Notify Ms. Salvatoriello:**
       - Send a message to Ms. Salvatoriello via Remind (using the class code @salvblock2) to inform her that you have submitted the Cooldown for the lesson you missed.
       - Be specific in your message, mentioning the date of the lesson and the Cooldown assignment you've completed.

    Open-Up Illustrative Math

    Open-Up Illustrative Math is a comprehensive curriculum designed to foster deep mathematical understanding and effective communication. Developed by Bill McCallum, a leading mathematician and standards author, this program emphasizes student engagement through a variety of instructional strategies. Each lesson includes specialized routines for developing mathematical language, encouraging students to articulate their reasoning both verbally and in writing. The curriculum is aligned with state standards and is reviewed for quality against recognized rubrics. For more information about how this curriculum supports diverse learners and enhances problem-solving skills, visit [Open-Up Resources] (http://openupresources.org/math-curriculum/).

    i-Ready Program

    i-Ready is an interactive, adaptive online learning platform tailored to meet each student's individual needs in math. The program begins with a diagnostic test that adapts in real-time to the student’s responses, identifying specific areas where they need improvement as well as their strengths. Based on the diagnostic results, i-Ready creates a personalized learning path, delivering targeted instruction and practice. The platform allows students to work independently while receiving real-time feedback and support. Lessons are designed to address gaps in knowledge and build on existing skills, providing a customized learning experience that aligns with both the student’s needs and the curriculum standards. For a deeper understanding of how i-Ready supports personalized learning, visit [i-Ready Central] (http://i-readycentral.com/familycenter/).