• Welcome to  Cleveland Street Science!

    Ms. Del Rio science Vulcan

    I am Mrs. Del Rio and I can't wait to start the 2021-2022  school year! 


    We will be using a number of different program and technology pieces to help us in our virtual investigations and research.  Please be sure to keep a record of your passwords and log ins so that you can access your online tools.  


    For Virtual/ Hybrid Learning daily assignments and directions will be found in your google classroom: 

    Gold: dmgbv3j

    Novick : yxvzhu6

    Del Rio: vqnhckc

    Grvsnd: q6thmyr

    Ressler: xit556g

    Bishof: wmwbj47






    Science grades are composed of the following: 



    10% Homework:  (5th grade= Brainpop)

                                                                                                         (6th and 7th grade: NewsELA)   


    25% Test:   5th grade Foss I-check/unit tests

    6th and 7th grade: Reflecting on What You've Done



    20% Classwork:   All classwork is recorded via a google doc or in a                                         physical notebook and include investigation notes.  A                                                             list of the notebook items in maintained in google                                                                   classroom or on a physical paper in the classroom.



    20%  Authentic Assessment:  Performance tasks and or  virtual lab                                       reports



    25% Quizes:  5th Grade- Foss response sheets, 6th and 7th grade:                                         graphic displays from investigations  



    Throughout the school year, 2 homework assignments are assigned weekly (assigned on Monday and due on Friday).  Reminders of this are messaged each week on ClassDojo as well as posted in the classroom (google classroom if virtual). 


    Newsela is a reading program that uses scientific texts and provides students with comprehension questions following to improve content knowledge as well as comprehension and reading skills.  Newsela is able to provide information on how long a student is on the program and how often they read the assigned texts.  Students are able to reduce or increase the reading level of the article on their own in order to selfregulate to a level in which they feel they have the best understanding.  They are able to evaluate their understanding with the quiz following the article.  


    Brainpop is an animated video series with closed captions that uses animation and examples to help explain sceince phenomena.  Students can replay the video, pause and rewind as necessary.   Students complete a mutichoice quiz following the video.  










    973-677-2100 ext.1605