Orange Preparatory Academy of Inquiry and Innovation
400 Central Ave, Orange, NJ 07050
World History II
Grade 8
I. Supplies Needed
All students must have the following supplies:
1. Three-ring binder or separate spiral binder designated for this class
2. Pens or Pencils
3. Pocket Folder for handouts
4. Internet access (arrangements will be made if not available at home)
II. Areas of Study
MP1. Civilizations in the Americas
MP2. Civilizations of Asia
MP3. African Civilizations
MP4. Medieval Europe
III. Grading
Your grade will be based on the work that you do in class, homework, attendance, quizzes, tests and projects. It is broken down in accordance with the District policy:
10 % Homework
20 % Formative Assessments (quizzes, anecdotal notes, etc.)
20 % Class Work (class participation, journals, logs, assignments, tasks, demonstrations, skill applications)
25 % Summative Evaluations (tests, mid-terms, finals, unit assessments, etc.)
25 % Authentic Assessments (portfolios, projects, performance assessments, 21st Century real world experiences)
The District has policies about disputing grades and plagiarism, which will be adhered to in this class. Copies of those policies may be found on the District website.
IV. Marking Cycles
First Marking Cycle: September ___ to November ___
Second Marking Cycle: November __ to January ___
Third Marking Cycle: January __ to April ___
Fourth Marking Cycle: April __ to June ___
Progress reports are mailed to your home half-way through each marking cycle. There are parent teacher conference dates but conferences are available with all teachers during the year. Please contact Guidance to arrange the meeting if it is with more than one teacher.
V. Miscellaneous
You are responsible for completing and handing in your work on time. If you miss a homework assignment, you will be required to hand it in the next class. Failure to complete homework assignments will result in a phone call home and you will be required to make up the assignment during your lunch period that day.
If you are absent from class, please check the web site for the work you missed and the homework. [You can access it by going to the district web page, choosing OPAI&I as the school, going to faculty websites and look under my name.] Please see me either before school (7:50 a.m. to 8:05 a.m.) or after school with any questions.
If you are absent due to medical reasons, you will be given additional time to hand in your work. That additional time will be the equivalent of the number of days you were absent due to documented medical reasons (note from doctor or home).
If your individual or group project is late, 10 points will be deducted for each class day the project is late.
If you are absent from school for a test or quiz, you will be permitted to make up the test or quiz the day that you return to school, provided you have a note from your parent/guardian explaining your absence.
If you do not understand something, please let me know. Chances are very good that if you do not understand something, others do not as well.
If you are given an assignment that requires internet access, and you do not have internet access at home, please come in to room ________ either before school or after school. You can also use the computers at the Orange Public Library and in the computer lab or the OPAI&I library/media center. If internet access is not available at home, please let me know ASAP so that other arrangements can be made.
If an assignment calls for a typed document and you do not have a printer, please e-mail your assignment to me at least one day prior to the day the assignment is due so that it can be printed. You may also download the document on a flash drive and bring the flash drive to school. I will have it printed for you at the school.
My e-mail address at school is My cell phone number is available to any parent/guardian upon request. I will be calling and emailing your homes during the year. I am certain that your parent/guardian will want to hear the great news that I have to share. It is therefore your responsibility to make sure that the telephone numbers that you give me are current.
I have read and understand the information contained in this syllabus.
Student Signature: _________________________________________________________
Dated: ________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________________
Dated: _______________________________
Is internet access available for your student? ___________ Yes _____________ No