

    Teacher: Ms. Petiote

    Room: 112                                                                                                                           Room: 112                                            Email: petiotma@orangek.k12.nj.us https://www.orange.k12.nj.us/Domain/461


     School Year 2024/2025

    Welcome to Our 8th Grade ELA Class! 


    Course Description:

    8th grade English Language Arts is comprised of four areas viewed by the New Jersey Student Learning Standards – reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will engage with a variety of print, visual, and auditory materials in order to increase acquisition of content, fluency, and vocabulary with the intent of being on the path towards college and career readiness.


    Student Supplies

    The classroom will have some emergency supplies for students to use in class, however it is expected that each student comes fully prepared each day.

    • 1 subject spiral notebook
    • 1 folder
    • Headphones/Earbuds
    • 1 box of tissues
    • Pencil case with the following supplies:
      • 1 package of pens (blue or black)
      • 1 package of pencils
      • 1 package of highlighters
      • 1 package of post-its

    Independent Reading Program

    During the course of the school year, students are expected to read (2) choice texts per month and keep track of their reading on Reading Rewards during specific times in class. These texts can include, but are not limited to, graphic novels, young adult literature, and literary magazines. Students may take out books from our classroom library, the OPA school library, or purchase their own books outside of school.


    Grading Policy (per district standards)

    • 25% of overall grade consists of Tests (may include mid-unit assessments, content District assessments)
    • 25% of overall grade consists of Authentic Assessments/Projects (may include research, projects, essays, speeches, performance assessments)
    • 20% of overall grade consists of Class work and Class Participation (inclusive discussions, daily kick-offs, assignments, group work, presentations)
    • 20% of overall grade consists of Quizzes (focused on learning objectives)
    • 10% of overall grade is Homework (reading checkpoints, check-ins for long term projects)


    Behavior Policy

    All students will follow the Orange Preparatory Academy Behavioral Code located in the student handbook. Students will also abide to the Classroom Norms that will be posted in the classroom each day that were created together during the first week of school. For our classroom, each student will be held accountable to the following discipline plan:

    • 1st Time Offence: Verbal warning
    • 2nd Time Offence: Written warning home and to be signed by guardian
    • 3rd Time Offence: Lunch/After school detention
    • 4th Time Offence: Phone call home
    • 5th Time Offence: School disciplinarian action



    Late Work/Absences


    Students will be able to make up any missing assignments.

    ut off bottom and returned signed)

    __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __


    I, __________________________________, have read and understand the classroom rules and norms of our 8th grade ELA class and pledge to follow these expectations for the duration of the 2024-2025 academic year.



    Student Signature: ________________________________________   Date: ____________

    Module 1 –

    In this module, students will examine technology and its positive and negative influences in our lives, and the
    responsibilities students must take on as they grow older and find their life’s path. Students will understand that
    the challenges we face today help to influence the shape of our future, as well as the ways in which technology
    can help or hurt us on our journey. Students will examine what it means to be resilient as they navigate these
    challenges, and interact with texts that encourage them to consider what resilience means. Students will learn
    how to configure an argument with a fully developed claim; relevant sub-points and evidence; and counterclaim
    and rebuttal, as stipulated in the standards.


    “Teens and Decision Making”
    “What’s Going On In Your Brain?”
    “Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental
    Health? by Bailey Parnell” (TedX)
    “Parents May Fret, But Even Experts Say
    Social Media Use Has Its Benefits”


    Module 2 – 

    In this module, students will read scary stories and will examine how the horror genre is both terrifying and
    enjoyable. Students will also learn what the terms“mood, tone, suspense, and/or internal versus external
    conflict” mean. Students will read, discuss, and write about horror stories and their authors’ craft. Their final
    performance task will be a literary analysis essay where they will analyze and interpret one of the stories in this
    module while considering the techniques the author utilizes to create suspense.



    Module 3

    In this module, students will analyze the written accounts of people that fought for racial equality in America
    during the Abolitionist and Civil Rights Movements. Students will examine the approaches, strategies, and
    tactics used to generate awareness and ignite change in America and write an essay determining which
    movements had the greatest impact.




    __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __


    I, __________________________________, have read and understand the classroom rules and norms of our 8th grade ELA class and pledge to follow these expectations for the duration of the 2024-2025 academic year.



    Student Signature: ________________________________________   Date: ____________