






    Mr. Michael Seidel  

    OPAII Theater Director

    Google: mseidel@orange.k12.nj.us
    OPA Auditorium
      OPA Room B12  
    Office Hours:  3:15PM - 4:00PM, M-F


    Google Classroom &

    Remind Codes


    Navigate my website to access your Google Classroom and REMIND. Assignments and announcements will be posted by 8AM each day, M – F.  Each assignment has a due date. It is your responsibility to log onto Google Classroom and complete the assignment, either within our allotted class time or for homework. 

    PLEASE NOTE: If you do not attend class on time, it will be marked as either an "absence" or a "cut". Parents and administration will be contacted each day if students are not completing assignments.





    Teacher/Student Communication
    *** (See above for Class Codes) ***


    Join by text:
    Participants text a unique class or school code to a Remind phone number. For U.S teachers, the Remind number is 81010. For example, if you wanted to join a class with the class code @math, you would text @math to 81010.


    Join online:
    Visit remind.com/join and enter the class or school code along with your mobile phone number. You'll get text notifications at the number you entered.


    Remind App Access Code:  I will notify you via text message of any assignments, homework, etc.  You must join the class remind to receive messages: 




     OPA Drama Expectations


    • You will sign up for REMIND!


    • Any assignment which is provided to you in Google Classroom and any other format is expected to be completed by the assigned due date.


    • Student responsibilities in completing the assignments include: 
      • Identifying a comfortable and quiet space to study/learn
      • Dedicating appropriate time to learning, as guided by your teachers
      • Routinely checking appropriate Google Classrooms and emails for information on courses,assignments, and resources, on a daily basis
      • Attending and participating in any check-in times offered by your teacher.
      • Engaging in the educational platforms with academic honesty, integrity, and according to the district’s Acceptable Use Policy
      • Submitting all assignments in accordance with provided timelines and/or due dates.



    I will always make myself available to assist you if you require any additional information. 


    My office hours are  3:15 PM - 4:00PM everyday. We can communicate through;

    Remind - See above for specific class code

    Google Classroom - See above for specific class code

    Email - seidelmi@orange.k12.nj.us



    Thank you! Stay healthy, stay smiling, and stay successful!


