Forest Street Community School
651 Forest Street, Orange, NJ 07050
- Forest Street Community School
- Welcome Letter 24/25 SY
Kleppe, Natalie, (5/6 Math)
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Dear Forest Families,
Welcome back to school! I hope you all had a great summer break and enjoyed some fun in the sun together, enjoying some well deserved rest for our bodies and brains. My name is Natalie Kleppe and I am thrilled to introduce myself as your child’s math teacher for the upcoming school year! I joined the Forest Street Family last school year in August 2023 and am excited for year number 2 to be as amazing and MORE! I grew up nearby in the South Orange and Maplewood school district and still reside locally in Essex County. First and foremost, I would like to thank you for entrusting me with the privilege of nurturing your child’s education.
I also believe in a classroom that is safe, kind, and healthy enough for students to take risks and make mistakes. Math can be quite challenging, especially in middle school! I remember back when I was in 5th/6th grade, being discouraged and stressed about math and your child does not need to feel worried or anxious. If we can practice working as a trifecta team of family-student-teachers, your student will be successful and feel successful in their accomplishments. If your child is feeling overwhelmed at all during the school year, please do reach out, I would love to help them find their love of math again. The academic workload in middle school is drastically increased so your child will need help staying on top of all four of their major courses, and especially math and language arts. They will have homework every day, in multiple subjects that will most likely use the school provided Chromebook for your student.
My teaching philosophy is centered around fostering a sense of community and open communication. I am here to listen to your insights, address any concerns you may have, and celebrate the achievements of your child together! YOU know the most about your student and I am dying to know all about them! With that being said, if you are willing to share any information about your student that they would be reluctant to share on their own, feel free to let me know. Please know that I am here to support your child in their transition back to full time school and will help your student along the way to exceed their goals.
If you are able to, please consider attending our open house event on Monday, September 9th from 6:00-8:00pm to learn about the academic expectations and meet all of your student’s teachers for this school year. I can be reached digitally via Class Dojo and via email at I am very much looking forward to working with you and your child this year and hope they are excited as well! A huge thank you if you were able to secure the necessary school supplies for your student for this year, please let me know if I can assist in supplies acquisition. Please be on the lookout for additional information being sent home digitally through class dojo and physically in teacher handouts this year but especially this month.
Warmest regards,
Ms. Natalie G. Kleppe