Forest Street Community School
651 Forest Street, Orange, NJ 07050
- Forest Street Community School
- Summer Math Resources
Kleppe, Natalie, (5/6 Math)
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As you begin your well deserved summer vacation, take moments to rest and recharge by getting active inside and outside, spending time with friends and family, and having lots of summer fun in the sun, remember that our brain is a muscle! When we stop stretching and using our muscles, they get weaker and lose their strength and power!! In between all your summer fun time, take a moment (maybe once a week, 5 minutes every day, on weekends, etc..) to practice some MATH!! Below you can find some helpful links that you can use to refresh your math memory on the skills we learned this past year.
If you are an upcoming 5th Grader, these are the skills you should have have/be working on by September
- Adding 1 to 3-digit numbers
- Subtracting 1 to 3-digit numbers
- Multiplication facts 1-10
- Division facts 1-10
- How to find area and perimeter of rectangles and squares
If you are an upcoming 6th Grader, these are the skills you should have have/be working on by September
- Adding 1 to 3-digit numbers
- Subtracting 1 to 3-digit numbers
- Multiplication facts 1-10
- Division facts 1-10
- Decimals and Fractions
- Volume, Area, and Perimeter
Below you can find resources on each of these content areas, please DO NOT HESITATE TO EMAIL ME for additional resources
4th Grade (23-24) --> 5th Grade (24-25) Unit 9.SPANISH
Los estudiantes que hayan completado Matemáticas de cuarto grado y estén pasando a Matemáticas de quinto grado pueden usar el siguiente enlace para ver el aprendizaje externo en la última unidad de nuestro libro "Putting It All Together". Cada lección y sección tiene como objetivo revisar cada estándar que se abordó durante el año escolar.
4th Grade (23-24) --> 5th Grade (24-25) Unit 9.ENGLISH
Students who have completed 4th Grade math and are moving onto 5th Grade Math can use the following link to view external learning in the last unit of our book "Putting It All Together." Each lesson and section aims to revisit every standard that was addressed during the school year.
5th Grade (23-24) --> 6th Grade (24-25) Unit 8.SPANISH
Los estudiantes que hayan completado Matemáticas de quinto grado y estén pasando a Matemáticas de sexto grado pueden usar el siguiente enlace para ver el aprendizaje externo en la última unidad de nuestro libro "Putting It All Together". Cada lección y sección tiene como objetivo revisar cada estándar que se abordó durante el año escolar.
5th Grade (23-24) --> 6th Grade (24-25) Unit 8.ENGLISH
Students who have completed 5th Grade math and are moving onto 6th Grade Math can use the following link to view external learning in the last unit of our book "Putting It All Together." Each lesson and section aims to revisit every standard that was addressed during the school year.