Central Elementary School
33 Cleveland Street, Orange NJ 07050
- Central Elementary School
- Room 5 Information
Stevens, T. - Kindergarten
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Room 5 Information
Below we have listed the supplies your child will need for Kindergarten. These supplies will be kept in the classroom. You can find most of these items at your local Dollar Store or Staples. The following supplies are due the first full week of school.
· 1 Kindergarten size book bag (bigger than 12x9) *Please, no book bags with wheels.
· 1 box of large crayons (8 or 10 count)
· 1 4-pack of Play-Doh
· 2 packs of Elmer’s Glue sticks (6 or 8 to a pack)
· 3 boxes of facial tissues
· 2 boxes of Wet Ones (not baby wipes)
· 2 containers of Clorox wipes
· 2 bottles of hand sanitzer
· 2 rolls of paper towels
· 2 pocket folders, plain, solid colors PLEASE, no themed or character folders
- 1 earbuds or headphones (NO bluetooth or wireless)
CHANGE OF CLOTHES : Also, please send in a small, plastic box (or shoebox) with a change of clothes in it for your child. The box will be kept in their locker & used for bathroom/messy emergencies. Please include the following: socks, underwear, pants, top, and undershirt.
Please label all removable clothing items with your child’s name (sweaters, coats, jackets, gloves, etc). Be sure to use a permanent marker to do so.
Just a reminder to please check your child's Homework Folder each night. Their homework can be found there, as well as flyers, notes, etc. It is your child's responsibility to bring their Homework Folder back to school each day with their Homework completed. Feel free to write a note and put it in your child's folder if you need to communicate with us as well.
Be sure to hang the calendar we send home in the beginning of each month in safe space! It is a very helpful tool to remind you of upcoming events and activities in our school! Monthly school calendars will be posted on Class DOJO as well.
Please be sure to send your child in with a sturdy, reusable water bottle every Monday. The children will refill their bottles as needed throughout the week and will bring them home for washing every Friday. Since our fountains are no longer the kind you may sip from directly, it is imperative that your child have a water bottle to easily access drinking water at school. Please label it with your child's name as well.
Be sure to complete the various District Technology Forms needed for your child. Here is a handy QR Code image to help you easily find the forms you need to complete. Please do so as soon as possible, thank you!
There are no upcoming events to display.