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     Welcome to Dr. Maxwell's Second Grade Class!

    33 Cleveland Street
    Orange, New Jersey 07050
    Phone: 973-677-4110
    Fax: 973-677-1838
    8:20 - 3:00 Regular Day
    8:20 - 12:30 Half Day

    Let's enjoy learning together this school year!!!



    Grades will be posted in Genesis. Families may check grades through the Genesis Parent Portal.
     If you have any questions whatsoever, please contact Dr. Maxwell
    at maxwelsu@orange.k12.nj.us or on Class Dojo.
    Please check Class Dojo for messages and updates.  




    Assistance for parents who need assistance translating ClassDojo

    Here are directions for translating ClassDojo in Spanish and Creole.

    Spanish directions

    Creole directions